1. Ruby Is Object-Oriented

    Every value is an object, even simple numeric literals and the values true, false, and nil (nil is Ruby’s null).

  2. Blocks and Iterators

    There are a special kind of method known as iterator, and they like loops. The code within curly braces—known as blok—is associated with the method invocation and serves as the body of the loop.

     3.times { print "Ruby! " }   # Prints "Ruby! Ruby! Ruby!"
     1.upto(9) {|x| print x }     # Prints "123456789"
  3. Expressions and Operators in Ruby

    Ruby’s syntax is expression—oriented.Control strutures such as if that would be called statements in other languages are actually expressions in Ruby.

     minimum = if x < y then x else y end

    Although all “statements” in Ruby are actually expression, they do not all return meaningful values.

    Many of Ruby’s operators are implemented as methods, and classes can define (or redefine) these methods however they want.

  4. Methods

    Methods are defined with the def keyword. The return value of a method is the value of the last expression evaluated in its body:

     def square(x)   # Define a method named square with one parameter x
         x*x         # Return x squared
     end             # End of method

    In Ruby, parentheses of function and method invocations are usually optional and commonly omitted, especially when the method being invoked takes no arguments.

     > square 2
     => 4
     > square(2)
     => 4
  5. Assignment

    The (nonoverridable) = operator in Ruby assigns a value to a variable:

     x = 1
     x += 1  # Increment x: note Ruby does not have ++.
     x -= 1  # Decrement x: no -- operator, either.
     a, b = b, a # Swap the value of two varibles
  6. Punctuation Suffixes and Prefixes

    • =

    Methods that end with an equals sign (=) are special because Ruby allows them to be invoked using assignment syntax.

    • ? A question mark (?) is used to mark predicates—methods that return a Boolean value.

    • !

      An exclamation mark at the end of a method name is used to indicate that caution is required with the use of the method.

      Usually, the method without the exclamation mark returns a modified copy of the object it is invoked on, and the one with exclamation mark returns a mutator method that alerts the object in place.

    • $, @, @@

      global variable are prefixed with $, instance variables are prefixed with @, and class varibles are prefixed with @@.

  7. Regexp and Range

    A Regexp (regular expression) object describes a textual pattern.

    A Range represents the values (usually integers) between two endpoints.

     /[Rr]buy/       # Matches "Ruby" or "ruby"
     /\d{5}/         # Matches 5 consecutive digits
     1..3            # All x where 1 <= x <= 3
     1...3           # All x where 1 <= x < 3

    Regexp and Range objects define the normal == operator for testing equality. In addition they also define the === operator for testing matching and membership. Ruby’s case statement matches its expression agains each of the possible cases using ===, so this operator is often called the case equality operator.

     > (0..2) === 1
     => true
     > 1 === (0..2)
     => false
  8. Classes and Modules

    • ., ::, #

      Normally, you can separate a class or module name from a method name with a period .. If a class defines a class method and an instance method by the same name, you must instead use :: to refer to the class method or # to refer to the instance method.

        ri Array
        ri Array.sort
        ri Hash#each
        ri Math::sqrt
    • Class

        class Sequence
            include Enumerable
            def initialize(from, to, by)
                @from, @to, @by = from, to , by
            def each
                x = @from
                while x <= @to
                    yield x # Pass x to the block associated with the iterator
                    x += @by
    • Modules

         module Sequences                        # Begin a new module
             def self.fromtoby(from, to, by)     # A singleton method of the module
                 x = from
                 while x <= to
                     yield x
                     x += by
  9. Ruby Surprises

    • Ruby’s strings are mutable.

    • Conditional expression often evaluate to true or false, but not required. The value of nil is treated the same as false, and any other value is the same as true.

  10. The Ruby Interpreter

    MRI, JRuby, IronRuby, Rubinius, Cardinal

  11. The Ruby Toolset

    • Interactive Ruby with irb

        $ irb 
        irb(main):001:0> puts 'Hello, Ruby'
        Hello, Ruby
        => nil
    • Viewing Ruby Documentation with ri

        ri Array
        ri Array.sort
        ri Hash#each
        ri Math::sqrt
    • Ruby Package Management with gem

        gem list             # List installed gems
        gem enviroment       # Display RubyGems configuration information
        gem update rails     # Update a named gem
        gem update           # Update all installed gems
        gem update --system  # Update RubyGems itself
        gem uninstall rails  # Remove an installed gem
    • RVM is a command-line tool which allows you to easily install, manage, and work with multiple ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems.


     $ gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
     $ \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable

    修改 RVM 的 Ruby 安装源到 Ruby China 的 Ruby 镜像服务器,这样能提高安装速度

     $ echo "ruby_url=https://cache.ruby-china.org/pub/ruby" > ~/.rvm/user/db


     rvm -v          # RVM version rvm list known  # List Ruby interpreters available for installation rvm list        # List Ruby interpreters you've already installed
     rvm info     # Ruby information for the current shell
     rvm gemdir   # Switch to gems directory for current ruby
     rvm system   # Use the system ruby (as if no rvm)
     rvm install 2.1.1    # Install a version of Ruby (eg 2.1.1)
     rvm uninstall 2.0.0  # Unisntall RVM installed 2.0.0 version
     rvm gemset create rails4  # Greate a named gemset rails4
     rvm gemset use rails4     # Use the rails4 gemset
     rvm 2.1.1          # Use Ruby 2.1.1. Equivalently: rvm use 2.1.1
     rvm 2.1.1@rails4   # Use Ruby 2.1.1 and gemset rails4
    • Bundler provides a consistent environment for Ruby projects by tracking and installing the exact gems and versions that are needed.

        $ gem install bundler
        $ bundle install
      • Gemfile

          # A sample Gemfile
          source "https://rubygems.org"
          # gem "rails"
      • RubyGems

        • https://rubygems.org
        • https://gems.ruby-china.org

            $ gem sources --add https://gems.ruby-china.org/ --remove https://rubygems.org/
            $ gem sources -l
  12. Specifying Program Encoding

    By default, the Ruby interpreter assumes that program are encoded in ASCII.

    • Encoding comments

      1. # coding: utf-8

      2. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

      3. # vi: set fileencoding=utf-8 :

    • Source Encoding and Default External Encoding

      1. Source encoding are typically set with coding comments to tell the Ruby interpeter how to read characters in a script.

      2. The default external encoding is something that Ruby use by default when reading from files and streams. The default external encoding is global to the Ruby process and does not change from file to file.

  13. File Structure

     #!/usr/bin/ruby -w          shebang comment
     # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-     coding comment
     require 'socket'            load networking library
     ...                         program code goes here
     __END__                     mark end of code program data goes here

    Comments in Ruby begin with a # character and continue to the end of the line.

    Ruby has no quivalent of the C-style /*...*/ comment.

    • Embedded documents

      Ruby supports another style of multiline comment known as embedded doucment that an text that apears between =begin and =end.

        =begin Someone needs to fix the broken code below!
            Any code here is commented out
    • Documentation comments

      Ruby programs can include embedded API documentation as specially formatted (e.g. Markdown) comments that precede method, class, and module definitions.
