In a sequential program, that is, a program with only one groutine, the steps of the program happen in the familiar execution order determined by the program logic. For instance, in a sequence of statements, the first one happens before the second one, and so on. In a program with two or more goroutines, the steps within each goroutine happen in the familiar order, bute in general we don’t know whether an event x in one goroutine happens before an eventy y in another goroutine, or happens after it, or is simultaneous with it. We we cannot confidently say that one event happens before the other, then the event x and y are concurrent.

Consider a function that works correctly in a sequential program. That function is concurrency-safe if it continues to work correctly even when called concurrently, that is, from two or more goroutines with no additional syncrhonization. We can generalize this notion to a set of collaborating functions, such as the methods and operations of a particular type. A type is concurrency-safe if all its accessible methods and operations are concurrency-safe.

We avoid concurrent access to most variables either by confining them to a single goroutine or by maintaining a higher-level invariant of mutual exclusion.

Race Conditions

A race condition is a situation in which the program does not give the correct result for some interleaving of the operations of multiple goroutines.

A data race, that is, a particular kind of race condition, occurs whenever two goroutines access the same variable concurrently and at least one of the accesses is a write. It follows from this definition that there are three ways to avoid a data race.

The first way is not to write the variable.

var icons = make(map[string]image.Image)

func loadIcon(name string) image.Image

// NOTE: not concurrency-safe!
func Icon(name string) image.Image {
	icon, ok := icons[name]
	if !ok {
		icon = loadIcon(name)
		icons[name] = icon
	return icon
var icons = map[string]image.Image{
	"spades.png":   loadIcon("spades.png"),
	"hearts.png":   loadIcon("hearts.png"),
	"diamonds.png": loadIcon("diamonds.png"),
	"clubs.png":    loadIcon("clubs.png"),

// Concurrency-safe.
func Icon(name string) image.Image { return icons[name] }

The second way to avoid a data race is to avoid accessing the variable from multiple goroutines. These variables are confined to a single goroutine. Since other goroutines cannot access the varible directly, they must use a channel to send the confining goroutine a request to query or update the variable. This is what is meant by the Go mantra “Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communication.” A goroutine that brokers access to a confined variable using channel requests is called a monitor goroutine for that variable.

// Package bank implements a bank with only one account.
package bank

var balance int

func Deposit(amount int) { balance = balance + amount }

func Balance() int { return balance }
// Package bank provides a concurrency-safe bank with one account.
package bank

var deposits = make(chan int) // send amount to deposit
var balances = make(chan int) // receive balance

func Deposit(amount int) { deposits <- amount }
func Balance() int       { return <-balances }

func teller() {
	var balance int // balance is confined to teller goroutine
	for {
		select {
		case amount := <-deposits:
			balance += amount
		case balances <- balance:

func init() {
	go teller() // start the monitor goroutine

Even when a variable cannot be confined to a single goroutine for its entire lifetime, confinement may still be a solution to the problem of concurrent access. If each stage of the pipeline refrains from accessing the variable after sending it to the next stage, then all accesses to the variable are sequential. This discipline is sometimes called serial confinment.

type Cake struct{ state string }

func baker(cooked chan<- *Cake) {
	for {
		cake := new(Cake)
		cake.state = "cooked"
		cooked <- cake // baker never touches this cake again

func icer(iced chan<- *Cake, cooked <-chan *Cake) {
	for cake := range cooked {
		cake.state = "iced"
		iced <- cake // icer never touches this cake again

The third way to avoid a data race is to allow many goroutines to access the variable, but only one at a time. This approach is known as mutual exclusion.

A semaphore that counts only to 1 is called a binary semaphore.

// Package bank implements a bank with only one account.
package bank

var (
	sema    = make(chan struct{}, 1) // a binary semaphore guarding balance
	balance int

func Deposit(amount int) {
	sema <- struct{}{} // acquire token
	balance = balance + amount
	<-sema // release token

func Balance() int {
	sema <- struct{}{} // acquire token
	b := balance
	<-sema // release token
	return b

Mutual Exclusion: sync.Mutex

// Package bank implements a bank with only one account.
package bank

import "sync"

var (
	mu      sync.Mutex
	balance int

func Deposit(amount int) {
	defer mu.Unlock()
	balance = balance + amount

func Balance() int {
	defer mu.Unlock()
	return balance

By convention, the variables guarded by a mutex are declared immediately after the declaration of the mutex itself. If you deviate from this, be sure to document it.

The region of code between Lock and Unlock in which a goroutine is free to read and modify the shared variables is called a critial section. The lock holder’s call to Unlock happens before any other goroutine can acquire the lock itself.

Read/Write Mutexes: sync.RWMutex

// Package bank implements a bank with only one account.
package bank

import "sync"

var (
	mu      sync.RWMutex
	balance int

func Deposit(amount int) {
	defer mu.Unlock()
	balance = balance + amount

func Balance() int {
	mu.RLock() // readers lock
	defer mu.RUnlock()
	return balance

RLock can be used only if there are no writes to shared variables in the critical section. If in doubt, use an exclusive Lock.

It’s only profitable to use an RWMutex when most of the goroutines that acquire the lock are readers, and the lock is under contention, that is, goroutines routinely have to wait to acquire it.

Memory Synchronization

var (
	balance int
	mu      sync.Mutex

func Withdraw(amount int) bool {
	defer mu.Unlock()
	balance = balance - amount
	if balance < 0 {
		balance = balance + amount
		return false // insufficient funds
	return true

func Balance() int {
	defer mu.Unlock()
	return balance

You may wonder why the Balance method needs mutual exclusion, either channel-based or mutex-based. After all, unlike Withdraw, it consists only a single operation, so there is no danger of another goroutine executing “in the middle” of it. There are two reason we need a mutex. The first is that it’s equally important that Balance not execute in the middle of some other operation like Withdraw. The second (and more subtle) reason is that synchronization is about more than just the order of execution of multiple goroutines; synchronization also affets memory.

In a modern computer there may be dozens of processors, each with its own local cache of the main memory. For efficiency, writes to memory are buffered within each processor and flushed out to main memory only when necessary. They may even be commited to main memory in a different order than they were written by the writting goroutine. Synchoronization primitives like channel communications and mutex operations cause the processor to flush out and commit all its accumulated writes so that the effects of goroutine execution up to that point are guaranteed to be visible to goroutines running on other processors.

Consider the possible outputs of the following snippet of code:

	var x, y int
	go func() {
		x = 1                   // A1
		fmt.Print("y:", y, " ") // A2

	go func() {
		y = 1                   // B1
		fmt.Print("x:", x, " ") // B2

Since these two goroutine are concurrent and access shared variables without mutual exclusion, there is a data race, so we should not be surprised that the program is not deterministic. We might expect it to print any one of these four results, which correspond to intuitive interleavings of the labled statements of the program:

y:0 x:1
x:0 y:1
x:1 y:1
y:1 x:1

The fourth line could be explained by the sequence A1,B1,A2,B2 or by B1,A1,A2,B2, for example. However, these two outcomes might come as a surprise:

x:0 y:0
y:0 x:0

but depending on the compiler, CPU, and many other factors, they can happen too.

Within a single goroutine, the effects of each statement are guaranteed to occur in the order of execution; goroutines are sequentially consistent. But in the absence of explicit synchronization using a channel or mutex, there is no guarantee that events are seen in the same order by all goroutines. Although goroutine A must observe the effect of the write x = 1 before it reads the value of y, it does not necessarily observe the write to y done by goroutine B, so A may print a stale value of y.

It is tempting to try to understand concurrency as if it corresponds to some interleaving of the statements of each goroutine, but as the example above shows, this is not how a modern compiler or CPU works. Because the assignment and the Print refer to different variables, a compiler may conclude that the order of the two statements cannot affect the result, and swap them. If the two goroutines execute on different CPUs, each with its own cache, writes by one goroutine are not visible to the other goroutine’s Print until the caches are synchroinzed with main memory.

All these concurrency problems can be avoided by the consistent use of simple, established patterns. Wehre possible, confine variables to a single goroutines; for all other variables, use mutual exclusion.

Lazy Intialization: sync.Once

var icons map[string]image.Image

func loadIcons() {
	icons = map[string]image.Image{
		"spades.png":   loadIcon("spades.png"),
		"hearts.png":   loadIcon("hearts.png"),
		"diamonds.png": loadIcon("diamonds.png"),
		"clubs.png":    loadIcon("clubs.png"),

// NOTE: not concurrency-safe!
func Icon(name string) image.Image {
	if icons == nil {
		loadIcons() // one-time initialization
	return icons[name]

In the absence of explicit synchronization, the compiler and CPU are free to reorder accesses to memory in any number of ways, so long as the behavior of each goroutine is sequentially consistent. One possible reordering of the statements of loadIcons is show below.

func loadIcons() {
	icons = make(map[string]image.Image)
	icons["spades.png"] = loadIcon("spades.png")
	icons["hearts.png"] = loadIcon("hearts.png")
	icons["diamonds.png"] = loadIcon("diamonds.png")
	icons["clubs.png"] = loadIcon("clubs.png")

var (
	icons         map[string]image.Image
	loadIconsOnce sync.Once

func loadIcons() {
	icons = map[string]image.Image{
		"spades.png":   loadIcon("spades.png"),
		"hearts.png":   loadIcon("hearts.png"),
		"diamonds.png": loadIcon("diamonds.png"),
		"clubs.png":    loadIcon("clubs.png"),

// Concurrency-safe.
func Icon(name string) image.Image {
	loadIconsOnce.Do(loadIcons) // lazy, similar to double check with Mutex
	return icons[name]

The Race Detector

Even with greatest of care, it’s all too easy to make concurrency mistakes. Fortunately, the Go runtime and toolchain are equipped with a sophisticated and easy-to-use dynamic analysis too, the race detector.

Just add the -race flag to your go build, go run, or go test command. This cause the compiler to build a modified version of your application or test with additional instrumentation that effectively records all accesses to shared variables that occured during execution, along with the identity of the goroutine that read or wrote the varible. In addition, the modified program records all synchronization events, such as go statements, channel operations, and calls to (*sync.Mutex).Lock, (*sync.WaitGroup).Wait, and so on.

The race detector studies this steam of events, looking for cases in which one goroutine reads or writes a shared variables that was most recently written by a different goroutine without an intervening synchronization operation. This indicates a concurrent access to the shared variable, and thus a data race. The tool prints a report that includes the identity of the variable, and the stacks of active function calls in the reading goroutine and the writing goroutine. This is is usually sufficient to pinpoint the problem.

The race detector reports all data races that wre actually executed. However, it can only detect race conditions that occur during a run; it cannot prove that none will ever occur. For best results, make sure that your test exercise your packages using concurrency.

     1  package main
     3  import (
     4          "fmt"
     5          "sync"
     6  )
     8  func main() {
     9          var wg sync.WaitGroup
    10          var x, y int
    11          wg.Add(1)
    12          go func() {
    13                  x = 1
    14                  fmt.Printf("y = %d ", y)
    15                  wg.Done()
    16          }()
    18          wg.Add(1)
    19          go func() {
    20                  y = 1
    21                  fmt.Printf("x = %d ", x)
    22                  wg.Done()
    23          }()
    25          wg.Wait()
    26  }
$ go run -race datarace.go
y = 0 ==================
Write at 0x00c4200621a0 by goroutine 7:
      /tmp/datarace.go:20 +0x3f

Previous read at 0x00c4200621a0 by goroutine 6:
      /tmp/datarace.go:14 +0x5f

Goroutine 7 (running) created at:
      /tmp/datarace.go:23 +0x16f

Goroutine 6 (finished) created at:
      /tmp/datarace.go:16 +0x122
Read at 0x00c420062168 by goroutine 7:
      /tmp/datarace.go:21 +0x5f

Previous write at 0x00c420062168 by goroutine 6:
      /tmp/datarace.go:13 +0x3f

Goroutine 7 (running) created at:
      /tmp/datarace.go:23 +0x16f

Goroutine 6 (finished) created at:
      /tmp/datarace.go:16 +0x122
x = 1 Found 2 data race(s)
exit status 66

Goroutines and Threads

Growable Stacks

Each OS thread has a fixed-size block of memory (often as large as 2MB) for its stack, the work area where it saves the local variables of function calls that are in progress or temporarily suspended while another function is called. This fixed-size stack is simultaneously too much and too little. A 2MB stack would be a huge waste of memory for a litte goroutine, such as one that merely waits for a WaitGroup then closes a channel. It’s uncommon for a Go program to create hundreds of thousands of goroutines at one time, which would be impossible with stacks this large. Yet despite their size, fixed-size stacks are not always big enough for the most complex and deeply recursive of functions. Channing the fixed size can improve space efficiency and allow more threads to be created, or it can enable more deeply recursive functions, but it cannot do both.

In contrast, a goroutine starts life with a small stack, typically 2KB. A goroutine’s stack, like the stack of an OS thread, holds the local variables of active and suspended function calls, but unlike an OS thread, a goroutine’s stack is not fixed; it grows and shrinks as needed. The size limit for a goroutine stack may be as much as 1GB, orders of magnitude larger than a typical fixed-size thread stack, though of course few goroutines use that much.

Goroutine Scheduling

OS threads are scheduled by the OS kernel. Every few milliseconds, a hardware timer interupts the processor, which causes a kernel function called the scheduler to be invoked. This function suspends the currently executing thread and saves its registers in memory, looks over the list of threads and decides which one should run next, restores the thread’s registers from memory, then resumes the execution of that thread. Because OS threads are scheduled by the kernel, passing control from one thread to another requires a full context switch, that is, saving the state of one user thread to memory, restoring the state of another, and updating the scheduler’s data structures. This operation is slow, due to its poor locality and the number of memory accesses required, and has historically only gotten worse as the number of CPU cycles required to access memory has increased.

The Go runtime contains its own scheduler that uses a technique known as m:n scheduling, because it multiplexes (or schedules) m goroutines on n OS threads. The job of the Go scheduler is analogous to that of the kernel scheduler, but it concerned only with the goroutines of a single Go program.

Unlike the operating system’s thread scheduler, the Go scheduler is not invoked periodically by a hardware timer, but implicitly by certain Go language constructs. For example, when a goroutine calls time.Sleep or blocks in a channel or mutex operation, the scheduler puts it to sleep and runs another goroutine until it is time to wake the first one up. Because it doesn’t need a swith to kernel context, rescheduling a goroutine is much cheeper than rescheduling a thread.


The Go scheduler uses a parameter called GOMAXPROCS to determine how many OS threads may be actively executing Go code simultaneously. Its default value is the number of CPUs on the machine, so on a machine with 8 CPUs, the scheduler will schedule Go code on up to 8 OS threads at once. (GOMAXPROCS is the n in m:n scheduling.) Goroutines that are sleeping or blocked in a communication do not need a thread at all. Goroutines that are blocked in I/O or other system calls or are calling non-Go functions, do need an OS thread, but GOMAXPROCS need not account for them.

You can explicitly control this parameter using the GOMAXPROCS environment variable or the runtime.GOMAXPROCS function.

// GOMAXPROCS sets the maximum number of CPUs that can be executing
// simultaneously and returns the previous setting. If n < 1, it does not
// change the current setting.
// The number of logical CPUs on the local machine can be queried with NumCPU.
// This call will go away when the scheduler improves.
func GOMAXPROCS(n int) int

Goroutines Have No Identity

In most operating systems and programming languages that support multithreading, the curent thread has a distinct identity that can be easily obtained as an ordinary value, typically an integer or pointer. This make it easy to build an abstraction called thread-local storage, which is essentially a global map keyed by thread identity, so that each thread thread can store and rewrite values independent of other threads.

Gorutines thas no notion of identity that is accessible to the programmer. This is by design, since thread-local storeage tends to be abused.

Go encourages a simpler style of programming in which parameters that affect the behavior of a function are explicit. Not only does this make programs easier to read, but it lets us freely assign subtasks of a given function to many different goroutines without worrying about their identity.


  1. Alan A. A. Donovan, Brian W. Kernighan. The Go Programming Language, 2015.11.
  2. The Go Memory Model - The Go Programming Language
  3. Thread_(computing)#Models, Wikipedia