> import this
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

1. Running Python

  • Using the interactive interpreter (shell)

    $ python3 -q
    >>> 2+2
    >>> quit()
  • Using python files

    $ python3 test.py
  • Using python files with shebang

    In computing, a shebang is the character sequence consisting of the characters number sign and exclamation mark (#!) at the beginning of a script. It is also called sharp-exclamation, sha-bang, hashbang, pound-bang, or hash-pling.

     — From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    $ chmod +x test.py
    $ ./test.py
  • Executing modules as scripts

    In Python, python -m is a command-line construct used to execute modules as scripts directly from the command line without explicitly writing a separate Python script file (.py).

    $ python3 -m venv --help
    usage: venv [-h] [--system-site-packages] [--symlinks | --copies] [--clear] [--upgrade] [--without-pip]
                [--prompt PROMPT] [--upgrade-deps]
                ENV_DIR [ENV_DIR ...]
    Creates virtual Python environments in one or more target directories.
    . . .
    $ python3 -m webbrowser https://www.google.com

2. Indentations, comments, and multi-line expressions

  • Python uses whitespace indentation (the recommended style, called PEP-8, is to use four spaces), rather than curly brackets or keywords, to delimit blocks.

    • Don’t use tabs, or mix tabs and spaces; it messes up the indent count.

    • When designing the language that became Python, Guido van Rossum decided that the indentation itself was enough to define a program’s structure, and avoided typing all those parentheses and curly braces. Python is unusual in this use of white space to define program structure.

    disaster = True
    if disaster:
    • As one special case here, the body of a compound statement can instead appear on the same line as the header in Python, after the colon:

      if x > y: print(x)  # # Simple statement on header line
  • In Python, the general rule is that the end of a line automatically terminates the statement that appears on that line.

    x = 1  # x = 1;

    Although normally appearing one per line, it is possible to squeeze more than one statement onto a single line in Python by separating them with semicolons:

    a = 1; b = 2; print(a + b) # Three statements on one line
  • Python allows to write expressions that span multiple lines within certain delimiters.

    • In older versions of Python (pre-3.0), the backslash character (\) at the end of a line was used to indicate that the line continued on the next line, which is no longer required in modern Python (versions 3.0 and above).

      # Example in older Python (error-prone, not recommended)
      long_expression = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + \
                        6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10)
    • In modern Python, avoid using the continuation character (\) for line continuation, and utilize parentheses (()), brackets ([]), or braces ([]) for readability and structure in multi-line expressions.

      # Parentheses for complex calculations
      long_calculation = (a * b +
                          c) * (d /
                                e - f)
      # Brackets for multi-line lists or data structures
      data = [
          "item2 with a longer description",
      # Braces for multi-line dictionaries
      person_info = {
          "name": "Alice",
          "age": 30,
          "hobbies": ["reading", "hiking"]
  • A comment is marked by using the # (names: hash, sharp, pound, or or the sinister-sounding octothorpe) character; everything from that point on to the end of the current line is part of the comment.

    # 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day
    seconds_per_day = 86400
    seconds_per_day = 86400 # 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day
    # Python does NOT
    # have a multiline comment.
    print("No comment: quotes make the # harmless.")

3. Types

False               class               from                or
None                continue            global              pass
True                def                 if                  raise
and                 del                 import              return
as                  elif                in                  try
assert              else                is                  while
async               except              lambda              with
await               finally             nonlocal            yield
break               for                 not
  • Python is a dynamically, strongly typed and garbage-collected programming language.

    • In a dynamically typed language, the data type of a variable is NOT explicitly declared at the time of definition, and is determined at runtime.

      age = 30  # age is an integer (no need to declare the data type explicitly)
      age = "thirty"  # age is now a string
    • In a statically typed language, the data type of a variable MUST be declared at compile time and the compiler ensures type compatibility throughout the code.

      // In Java, declare the type of a variable before assigning a value.
      int age = 30;  // age is declared as an integer
      age = "thirty";  // error: incompatible types: String cannot be converted to int
    • In a strongly typed language, the data type of a variable MUST be declared at the time of definition, and the compiler or interpreter enforces type safety.

    • In Python, everything is ultimately an object, even data types like integers and strings, that has associated methods and attributes. During runtime, Python checks if the methods or attributes involved are compatible with the object’s type.

      # Like dynamic languages, Python infers types based on assigned values.
      name = "Alice"  # name is a string
      name + 10  # This would cause a TypeError in Python (mixing string and number)

      In computer programming, duck typing is an application of the duck test—"If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck"—to determine whether an object can be used for a particular purpose.

       — From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      # Python's major built-in object types, organized by categories.
            Unicode (2.X):
            Bytes (3.X):
            Bytearray (3.X/2.6+):
          Long (2.X):
          Unbound (2.X):
        View (3.X/2.7):
      bool # True, False
      int # 47, 25000, 25_000, 0b0100_0000, 0o100, 0x40, sys.maxsize, - sys.maxsize - 1
      float # 3.14, 2.7e5, float('inf'), float('-inf'), float('nan')
      complex # 3j, 5 + 9j
      # In Python 3, strings are Unicode character sequences, not byte arrays.
      str # 'alas', "alack", '''a verse attack'''
      list # ['Winken', 'Blinken', 'Nod']
      tuple # (2, 4, 8)
      bytes # b'ab\xff'
      bytearray # bytearray(...)
      set # set([3, 5, 7])
      frozenset # frozenset(['Elsa', 'Otto'])
      dict # {}, {'game': 'bingo', 'dog': 'dingo', 'drummer': 'Ringo'}
      decimal.Decimal('1.0'), fractions.Fraction(1, 3)  # Decimal and fraction extension types
      # int(), float(), bin(), oct(), hex(), chr(), and ord()
      int(True), int(False)  # (1, 0)
      int(98.6), int(1.0e4)  # (98, 10_000)
      int('99'), int('-23'), int('+12'), int('1_000_000')  # (99, -23, 12, 1_000_000)
      int('10', 2), 'binary', int('10', 8), 'octal', int('10', 16), 'hexadecimal', int('10', 22), 'chesterdigital'
      # (2, 'binary', 8, 'octal', 16, 'hexadecimal', 22, 'chesterdigital')
      float(True), float(False)  # (1.0, 0.0)
      float('98.6'), float('-1.5'), float('1.0e4')  # (98.6, -1.5, 10_000.0)
      bin(65), oct(65), hex(65)  # ('0b1000001', '0o101', '0x41')
      chr(65), ord('A')  # ('A', 65)
      # Python also promotes booleans to integers or floats:
      False + 0, True + 0, False + 0., True + 0.  # (0, 1, 0.0, 1.0)
  • Type hints (or type annotations): variable_name: type, def func(argument: type) -> type

    age: int = 30
    pi: float = 3.14159
    def greet(name: str) -> str:
      """Greets the provided name."""
      return f"Hello, {name}!"
  • In Python, a name must be bound to an object before it can be used.

    # assignment statements
    spam = 'Spam'                   # simple assignment
    spam, ham = 'yum', 'YUM'        # tuple unpacking
    [spam, ham] = ['yum', 'YUM']    # list unpacking
    a, b, c, d = 'spam'             # sequence unpacking (each character to a variable)
    a, *b = 'spam'                  # extended sequence unpacking (a='s', b=['p', 'a', 'm'])
    spam = ham = 'lunch'            # multiple assignment (both variables refer to the same object)
    spams += 42                     # augmented assignment (equivalent to spams = spams + 42)
  • In Python, variables are NOT places, just names, and a name is a reference to an object rather than the object itself, which is a chunk of data that contains at least a type, a unique id, a value, and a reference count.

    type(5.20)  # <class 'float'>
    id(5.20)  # 140683748269744
    x = y = z = 0  # More than one variable name can be assigned a value at the same time
    sys.getrefcount(x)  # 1000000591
    del y
    sys.getrefcount(x)  # 1000000590
    del z
    sys.getrefcount(x)  # 1000000589
  • A class is the definition of an object, and "class" and "type" mean pretty much the same thing.

    type(7)  # <class 'int'>
    type(7) == int  # True
    isinstance(7, int)  # True
  • Strings, tuples and lists are common built-in sequences, which are zero-based indexing and ordered collections that can store elements of any data types, except strings, which are sequences of characters themselves.

    # iteration
    for item in ['meow', 'bark', 'moo']:
    # range
    a = ['meow', 'bark', 'moo']
    for i in range(len(a)):
    # enumeration
    for index, item in enumerate(['meow', 'bark', 'moo']):
        print(f'Index: {index}, Item: {item}')
    # comparisons
    ('meow', 'bark', 'moo') == ('meow', 'bark', 'moo')  # True
    ('meow', 'bark', 'moo') >= ('meow', 'bark')  # True
    ('meow', 'bark', 'moo') > ('meow', 'bark')  # True
    # `+`, `*`
    ('cat',) + ('dog', 'cattle')  # ('cat', 'dog', 'cattle')
    ('bark',) * 3  # ('bark', 'bark', 'bark')
    # unpacking
    cat, dog, cattle = ('meow', 'bark', 'moo')
    # testing with `in`
    'c' in 'cat'  # True
    'meow' in ['cat', 'cattle', 'dog']  # False
    # indexing, and slicing a shallow copy subsequence:
    s = 'hello!'  # len(S) is 6
    # S[-7], S[6]  # IndexError: string index out of range
    # The slice expression X[I:J:K] is equivalent to indexing with a slice object: X[slice(I, J, K)]:
    #    slice(stop)
    #    slice(start, stop[, step])
    # [:] extracts the entire sequence from start to end.
    # [ start :] specifies from the start offset to the end.
    # [: end ] specifies from the beginning to the end offset minus 1.
    # [ start : end ] indicates from the start offset to the end offset minus 1.
    # [ start : end : step ] extracts from the start offset to the end offset minus 1, skipping characters by step.
    # Indexing (S[i]) fetches components at offsets:
    #   The first item is at offset 0.
    #   Negative indexes mean to count backward from the end or right.
    #     Technically, a negative offset is added to the length of a sequence to derive a positive offset.
    #   S[0] fetches the first item.
    #   S[−2] fetches the second item from the end (like S[len(S)−2]).
    # Slicing(S[i:j]) extracts contiguous sections of sequences:
    #   The upper bound is noninclusive.
    #   Slice boundaries default to 0 and the sequence length, if omitted.
    #   S[1:3] fetches items at offsets 1 up to but not including 3.
    #   S[1:] fetches items at offset 1 through the end(the sequence length).
    #   S[:3] fetches items at offset 0 up to but not including 3.
    #   S[:−1] fetches items at offset 0 up to but not including the last item.
    #   S[:] fetches items at offsets 0 through the end—making a top-level copy of S.
    # Extended slicing (S[i:j:k]) accepts a step ( or stride) k, which defaults to + 1:
    #   Allows for skipping items and reversing order(using a negative stride).
    s[:], s[0:6], s[:6], s[:6:], s[0:6:], s[0:6:1]  # ('hello!', 'hello!', 'hello!', 'hello!', 'hello!', 'hello!')
    s[::-1]  # '!olleh'
    len(s), s[-1], s[len(s)-1], s[-len(s)], s[0]  # (6, '!', '!', 'h', 'h')
  • In Python, truthiness and falsiness are used to check a value in a Boolean context:

    • Truthy: Values that evaluate to True, which includes most non-zero numbers, non-empty strings, lists, dictionaries, and many objects.

    • Falsy: Values that evaluate to False, which include False, zero numbers (0, 0.0), empty strings (""), lists ([]), and tuples (()), and None.

  • In Python, the logical operators and, or, not are used to combine Boolean values (True/False) or expressions that evaluate to Boolean values.

    letter = 'o'
    if letter == 'a' or letter == 'e' or letter == 'i' or letter == 'o' or letter == 'u':
        print(letter, 'is a vowel')
        print(letter, 'is not a vowel')
  • Python provides bit-level integer operators, similar to those in the C language.

    x = 5  # 0b0101
    y = 1  # 0b0001
    print(f"0b{(x & y):04b}")  # and
    # 0b0001
    print(f"0b{(x | y):04b}")  # or
    # 0b0101
    print(f"0b{(x ^ y):04b}")  # exclusive or
    # 0b0100
    print(f'0b{~x:04b}')  # flip bits
    # 0b-110
    print(f'0b{(x << 1):04b}')  # left shift
    # 0b1010
    print(f'0b{(x >> 1):04b}')  # right shift
    # 0b0010
  • Test for equality: == and is

    # The `==` operator tests value equivalence.
    #   Python performs an equivalence test, comparing all nested objects recursively.
    # The `is` operator tests object identity.
    #   Python tests whether the two are really the same object (i.e., live at the same address in memory).
    S1 = 'spam'
    S2 = 'spam'
    S1 == S2, S1 is S2
    (True, True)

4. Strings, bytes and bytearray

In Python 3.X there are three string types: str is used for Unicode text (including ASCII), bytes is used for binary data (including encoded text), and bytearray is a mutable variant of bytes. Files work in two modes: text, which represents content as str and implements Unicode encodings, and binary, which deals in raw bytes and does no data translation.

  • UTF-8 is the standard text encoding in Python, Linux, and HTML.

    Ken Thompson and Rob Pike, whose names will be familiar to Unix developers, designed the UTF-8 dynamic encoding scheme one night on a placemat in a New Jersey diner. It uses one to four bytes per Unicode character:

    • One byte for ASCII

    • Two bytes for most Latin-derived (but not Cyrillic) languages

    • Three bytes for the rest of the basic multilingual plane

    • Four bytes for the rest, including some Asian languages and symbols

    cafe = 'café'
    # len() function on string counts Unicode characters, not bytes:
    len(cafe)  # 4
    cafe_bytes = cafe.encode()  # b'caf\xc3\xa9'
    # len() returns the number of bytes:
    len(cafe_bytes)  # 5
    cafe_text = cafe_bytes.decode()  # 'café'
  • Strings are created by enclosing characters in matching single, double, or triple quotes:

    "'Nay!' said the naysayer. 'Neigh?' said the horse."
    'The rare double quote in captivity: ".'
  • Triple quotes are very useful to create multiline strings, like this classic poem from Edward Lear:

    poem = '''There was a Young Lady of Norway,
        Who casually sat in a doorway;
        When the door squeezed her flat,
        She exclaimed, "What of that?"
        This courageous Young Lady of Norway.'''
    There was a Young Lady of Norway,
        Who casually sat in a doorway;
        When the door squeezed her flat,
        She exclaimed, "What of that?"
        This courageous Young Lady of Norway.
    # the line ending characters, and leading or trailing spaces are preserved as below:
    'There was a Young Lady of Norway,\n    Who casually sat in a doorway;\n    When the door squeezed her flat,\n    She exclaimed, "What of that?"\n    This courageous Young Lady of Norway.'
  • Escape with \, combine by using +, duplicate with *

    hi = 'Na ' 'Na ' 'Na ' 'Na ' \ # literal strings (not string variables) just one after the other
        + 'Hey ' * 4 \
        + '\\' + '\t' + 'Goodbye.'
    print(hi)  # Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Hey Hey \	Goodbye.
  • Python has a few special types of strings, indicated by a letter before the first quote.

    • f or F starts an f-string, used for formatting.

      thing = 'wereduck'
      place = 'werepond'
      print(f'The {thing} is in the {place}')  # 'The wereduck is in the werepond'
    • r or R starts a raw string, used to prevent escape sequences in the string.

      info = r'Type a \n to get a new line'  # info = 'Type a \\n to get a new line'
      # raw string does not undo any real (not `\n`) newlines:
      poem = r'''Boys and girls, come out to play.
      The moon doth shine as bright as day.'''  # 'Boys and girls, come out to play.\nThe moon doth shine as bright as day.'
      Boys and girls, come out to play.
      The moon doth shine as bright as day.
    • fr (or FR, Fr, or fR), the combination, that starts a raw f-string.

      hello = 'Hello'
      world = '世界'
      print(fr'{hello}, {world}!')  # Hello, 世界!
    • u starts a Unicode string, which is the same as a plain string.

      Python 3 strings are Unicode character sequences, not byte arrays.
      hi = u'Hello, 世界!'  # same as: hi = 'Hello, 世界!'
    • b starts a value of type bytes.

      ip = [20, 205, 243, 166]
      bytes(ip)  # b'\x14\xcd\xf3\xa6'
  • Python has three ways of formatting strings.

    actor = 'Richard Gere'
    cat = 'Chester'
    weight = 28
    # old style (supported in Python 2 and 3): format_string % data
    'My wife\'s favorite actor is %s' % actor  # "My wife's favorite actor is Richard Gere"
    'Our cat %s weighs %d pounds' % (cat, weight)  # 'Our cat Chester weighs 28 pounds'
    'Our cat %(cat)s weighs %(weight)d pounds' % {'cat': cat, 'weight': weight}  # dictionary-based expressions
    # new style (Python 2.6 and up): format_string.format(data)
    '{0}, {1} and {2}'.format('spam', 'ham', 'eggs')  # By position
    '{motto}, {pork} and {food}'.format(motto='spam', pork='ham', food='eggs')  # By keyword
    '{motto}, {0} and {food}'.format('ham', motto='spam', food='eggs')  # By both
    '{}, {} and {}'.format('spam', 'ham', 'eggs')  # By relative position
    # 'spam, ham and eggs'
    # f-strings (Python 3.6 and up): f, F
    f'Our cat {cat} weighs {weight} pounds'  # 'Our cat Chester weighs 28 pounds'
  • Python 3 introduced the following sequences of eight-bit integers, with possible values from 0 to 255, in two types:

    • bytes is immutable, like a tuple of bytes

    • bytearray is mutable, like a list of bytes

    Endian order refers to the byte order used to store multi-byte values (like integers, floats) in computer memory.

    • Big-Endian: In big-endian order, the most significant byte (MSB) of a multi-byte value is stored at the beginning (lower memory address) of the allocated space. The remaining bytes follow in decreasing order of significance.

    • Little-Endian: In little-endian order, the least significant byte (LSB) is stored at the beginning (lower memory address), followed by bytes of increasing significance.

    blist = [1, 2, 3, 255]
    the_bytes = bytes(blist)
    # b'\x01\x02\x03\xff'
    the_byte_array = bytearray(blist)
    # bytearray(b'\x01\x02\x03\xff')
    the_bytes[0] = 127  # TypeError: 'bytes' object does not support item assignment
    the_byte_array[0] = 127
    the_byte_array[1] = 256  # ValueError: byte must be in range(0, 256)
    the_bytes = bytes(range(0, 256))
    for i in range(0, len(the_bytes), 16):
        end_index = min(i+16, len(the_bytes))
    # b'\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f'
    # b'\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f'
    # b' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./'
    # b'0123456789:;<=>?'
    # b'PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_'
    # b'`abcdefghijklmno'
    # b'pqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f'
    # b'\x80\x81\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8d\x8e\x8f'
    # b'\x90\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9a\x9b\x9c\x9d\x9e\x9f'
    # b'\xa0\xa1\xa2\xa3\xa4\xa5\xa6\xa7\xa8\xa9\xaa\xab\xac\xad\xae\xaf'
    # b'\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3\xb4\xb5\xb6\xb7\xb8\xb9\xba\xbb\xbc\xbd\xbe\xbf'
    # b'\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4\xc5\xc6\xc7\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf'
    # b'\xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd7\xd8\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc\xdd\xde\xdf'
    # b'\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe6\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb\xec\xed\xee\xef'
    # b'\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf7\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff'
  • regular expressions

    import re
    p = 'Les Fleurs du Mal'  # pattern
    c = re.compile(p)  # compile
    s = "Charles Baudelaire's 'Les Fleurs du Mal'"  # source
    m = c.search(s)  # match
    if m:  # m != None
        print("Mon cœur est comme une feuille sèche, emportée par le vent...")
    m = re.match('Les Fleurs du Mal', s)  # find exact beginning match with match()
    print(m)  # return a Match object
    # None
    m = re.search('Les Fleurs du Mal', s)  # find first match with search()
    print(m)  # return a Match object
    # <re.Match object; span=(22, 39), match='Les Fleurs du Mal'>
    m = re.findall('es', s)  # find all matches with findall()
    print(m)  # return a list
    # ['es', 'es']
    m = re.split(r'\s', s)  # split at matches with split()
    print(m)  # return a list
    # ['Charles', "Baudelaire's", "'Les", 'Fleurs', 'du', "Mal'"]
    m = re.sub("'", '?', s)  # replace at matches with sub()
    print(m)  # return a string
    # Charles Baudelaire?s ?Les Fleurs du Mal?

5. If, while, and for

  • In Python (version 3.8 and above), the walrus operator (:=, formally known as the assignment expression operator) combines assignment and expression evaluation in a single line.

    tweet_limit = 280
    tweet_string = "Blah" * 50
    if diff := tweet_limit - len(tweet_string) >= 0:  # walrus operator
        print("A fitting tweet")
        print("Went over by", abs(diff))
  • Compare with if, elif, and else:

    color = "mauve"
    if color == "red":
        print("It's a tomato")
    elif color == "green":
        print("It's a green pepper")
        print("I've never heard of the color", color)
  • The if/else ternary expression:

    # Python runs expression Y only if X turns out to be true, and runs expression Z only if X turns out to be false.
    # A = Y if X else Z  # equivalent to `((X and Y) or Z)`
    A = 't' if 'spam' else 'f'  # (('spam' and 't') or 'f')
    A  # 't'
  • Dictionary-based multiway branching:

    # Handling switch defaults
    branch = {'spam': 1.25,
              'ham': 1.99,
              'eggs': 0.99}
    print(branch.get('spam', 'Bad choice'))  # 1.25
    print(branch.get('bacon', 'Bad choice'))  # Bad choice
    # membership test in an if statement can have the same default effect:
    choice = 'bacon'
    if choice in branch:
        print('Bad choice')  # Bad choice
    # handle defaults by catching and handling the exceptions they'd otherwise trigger:
    except KeyError:
        print('Bad choice')
    # Handling larger actions
    branch = {'spam': lambda: ...,  # A table of callable function objects
              'ham': function,
              'eggs': lambda: ...}
    branch.get(choice, default)()
  • Repeat with while, and break, continue, and else:

    while True:
        value = input("Integer, please [q to quit]: ")
        if value == 'q':  # quit
        number = int(value)
        if number % 2 == 0:  # an even number
        print(number, "squared is", number*number)
    while x:  # Exit when x empty
        if match(x[0]):  # Value at front?
            break  # Exit, go around else
        x = x[1:]  # Slice off front and repeat
    else:  # break not called
        print('Not found')  # Only here if exhausted x
  • Iterate with for/in, and break, continue and else:

    word = 'thud'
    for letter in word:
        if letter == 'u':
    word = 'thud'
    for letter in word:
        if letter == 'x':
            print("Eek! An 'x'!")
    else:  # break not called
        print("No 'x' in there.")
    # counter loops: range
    for num in range(0, 10, 2):
        print(num)  # 0 2 ... 8
    # reverse loops: range
    spam = 'spam'
    for i in range(len(spam) - 1, -1, -1):
        print((i, spam[i]), end='\t')
    # (3, 'm')	(2, 'a')	(1, 'p')	(0, 's')
    # generating both offsets and items: enumerate
    for (index, item) in enumerate('spam'):
        print(f'{index}: {item}', end='\t')  # 0: s	1: p	2: a	3: m
    # parallel traversals: zip
    for nums in zip(range(0, 10, 2), range(1, 10, 2)):
        print(nums)  # (0, 1) (2, 3) .. (8, 9)

6. Tuples and lists

  • Tuples are built-in immutable sequences.

    # to make a tuple with one or more elements, follow each element with a comma (`,`):
    'cat',  # ('cat',)
    'cat', 'dog', 'cattle'  # ('cat', 'dog', 'cattle')
    # to make an empty tuple, using `()`, or `tuple()`:
    ()  # ()
    tuple()  # ()
    # the comma is required to make a tuple
    ('cat')  # 'cat'
    # the parentheses is not required, but could make the tuple more visible
    ('cat',)  # ('cat',)
    ('cat', 'dog', 'cattle')  # ('cat', 'dog', 'cattle')
    # for cases in which commas might also have another use, the parentheses is needed
    type('cat',)  # <class 'str'>
    type(('cat',))  # <class 'tuple'>
    # tuple()
    tuple('cat')  # ('c', 'a', 't')
    # zip()
    for x in zip([1, 2, 8], [1, 4, 9], ('cat', 'dog', 'cattle', 'chicken')):
    # (1, 1, 'cat')
    # (2, 4, 'dog')
    # (8, 9, 'cattle')
    # generator expression
    nums = tuple(range(10))  # (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
    (x for x in nums if x % 2 == 0)  # <generator object <genexpr> at 0x7fcd7069b920>
    # named tuples are a tuple/class/dictionary hybrid.
    from collections import namedtuple  # import extension type
    Rec = namedtuple('Rec', ['name', 'age', 'jobs'])  # make a generated class
    bob = Rec('Bob', age=40.5, jobs=['dev', 'mgr'])  # a named-tuple record
    print(bob)  # Rec(name='Bob', age=40.5, jobs=['dev', 'mgr'])
    bob[0], bob[2]  # access by position
    ('Bob', ['dev', 'mgr'])
    bob.name, bob.jobs  # access by attribute
    ('Bob', ['dev', 'mgr'])
    # converting to a dictionary supports key-based behavior when needed:
    O = bob._asdict()  # dictionary-like form
    O['name'], O['jobs']  # access by key too
    ('Bob', ['dev', 'mgr'])
    # OrderedDict([('name', 'Bob'), ('age', 40.5), ('jobs', ['dev', 'mgr'])])
  • Lists are built-in mutable sequences.

    # create with `[]` or `list()`
    []  # []
    ['meow', 'bark', 'moo']  # ['meow', 'bark', 'moo']
    [('cat', 'meow'), 'bark', 'moo']  # [('cat', 'meow'), 'bark', 'moo']
    list()  # []
    list('cat')  # ['c', 'a', 't']
    # append(), insert()
    wow = ['meow']  # ['meow']
    wow.append('moo')  # ['meow', 'moo']
    wow.insert(1, 'bark')  # ['meow', 'bark', 'moo']
    # index, and slice assignment
    L = ['spam', 'Spam', 'SPAM!']
    # index assignment
    L[1] = 'eggs'  # ['spam', 'eggs', 'SPAM!']
    # slice assignment: delete+insert
    L[0:2] = ['eat', 'more']  # ['eat', 'more', 'SPAM!']
    # del, remove(), pop(), clear()
    farm = ['cat', 'dog', 'cattle', 'chicken', 'duck']
    del farm[-1]
    # ['cat', 'dog', 'cattle', 'chicken']
    # ['cat', 'cattle', 'chicken']
    farm.pop()  # 'chicken'
    # ['cat', 'cattle']
    farm.pop(-1)  # 'cattle'
    # ['cat']
    # []
    # sort() and sorted()
    farm = ['cat', 'dog', 'cattle']
    # a sorted copy
    sorted(farm)  # ['cat', 'cattle', 'dog']
    print(farm)  # ['cat', 'dog', 'cattle']
    # sorting in-place
    print(farm)  # ['cat', 'cattle', 'dog']
    # shallow copy: any changes made to the elements within the original list will also be reflected in the copy.
    a = [['cat', 'meow'], ['dog', 'bark']]
    c = a[:]
    b = a.copy()  # equivalent to list slicing ([:] )but might be slightly less efficient.
    d = list(c)
    # deep copy: changes to elements within the original list won't affect the copy (and vice versa) because they point to different objects in memory.
    import copy
    e = copy.deepcopy(a)
    a[0][1] = 'moo'
    a  # [['cat', 'moo'], ['dog', 'bark']]
    b  # [['cat', 'moo'], ['dog', 'bark']]
    c  # [['cat', 'moo'], ['dog', 'bark']]
    d  # [['cat', 'moo'], ['dog', 'bark']]
    e  # [['cat', 'meow'], ['dog', 'bark']]
    # list comprehensions: [expression for item in iterable]
    even_numbers = [2 * num for num in range(5)]
    # [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
    # list comprehensions: [expression for item in iterable if condition]
    odd_numbers = [num for num in range(10) if num % 2 == 1]
    # [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

7. Dictionaries and sets

In Python, keys in dictionaries (dict) and elements in sets must be of immutable, or hashable data types.


# `{}`
{}  # {}
{'cat': 'meow', 'dog': 'bark'}  # {'cat': 'meow', 'dog': 'bark'}

# dict(): keyword argument names need to be legal variable names (no spaces, no reserved words)
dict(cat='meow', dog='bark')  # {'cat': 'meow', 'dog': 'bark'}

# dict(): zipping together sequences of keys and values into a dictionary
dict([['cat', 'meow'], ['dog', 'bark']])  # {'cat': 'meow', 'dog': 'bark'}

# [key], get()
animals = {'cat': 'meow', 'dog': 'bark'}
animals['cattle'] = 'moo'  # {'cat': 'meow', 'dog': 'bark', 'cattle': 'moo'}
animals['cat']  # 'meow'
animals['sheep']  # KeyError: 'sheep'
animals.get('sheep')  # None
animals.get('sheep', 'baa')  # 'baa'

# testing
animals = {'cat': 'meow', 'dog': 'bark'}
'cat' in animals  # True
'sheep' in animals  # False
animals['sheep'] if 'sheep' in animals else 'oops!'  # 'oops!'

# keys(), values(), items(), len()
animals.keys()  # dict_keys(['cat', 'dog', 'cattle'])
animals.values()  # dict_values(['meow', 'bark', 'moo'])
animals.items()  # dict_items([('cat', 'meow'), ('dog', 'bark'), ('cattle', 'moo')])
len(animals)  # 3

# `**`, update()
{**{'cat': 'meow'}, **{'dog': 'bark'}}  # {'cat': 'meow', 'dog': 'bark'}
animals = {'cat': 'meow'}
animals.update({'dog': 'bark'})  # {'cat': 'meow', 'dog': 'bark'}

# del, pop(), clear()
animals = {'cat': 'meow', 'dog': 'bark', 'cattle': 'moo'}
del animals['dog']
# {'cat': 'meow', 'cattle': 'moo'}
animals.pop('cattle')  # 'moo'
# {'cat': 'meow'}
# {}

# iterations
animals = {'cat': 'meow', 'dog': 'bark', 'cattle': 'moo'}
for key in animals:  # for key in animals.keys()
    print(f'{key} => {animals[key]}', end='\t')
# cat => meow	dog => bark	cattle => moo

# dictionary comprehensions: {key_expression : value_expression for expression in iterable}
word = 'letters'
letter_counts = {letter: word.count(letter) for letter in word}
# {'l': 1, 'e': 2, 't': 2, 'r': 1, 's': 1}

# dictionary comprehensions: {key_expression : value_expression for expression in iterable if condition}
vowels = 'aeiou'
word = 'onomatopoeia'
vowel_counts = {letter: word.count(letter)
                for letter in set(word) if letter in vowels}
# {'i': 1, 'o': 4, 'a': 2, 'e': 1}


# `{}`, set(), frozenset()
{}  # <class 'dict'>
{0, 2, 4, 6}  # {0, 2, 4, 6}

set()  # set()
set('letter')  # {'l', 't', 'r', 'e'}
set({'cat': 'meow', 'dog': 'bark', 'cattle': 'moo'})  # {'cat', 'cattle', 'dog'}

frozenset()  # frozenset()
frozenset([3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9])  # frozenset({1, 3, 4, 5, 9})

# len(), add(), remove()
nums = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, }
len(nums)  # 5
nums.add(5)  # {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
nums.remove(0)  # {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

# iteration
for num in {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}:
    print(num, end='\t')
# 0	2	4	6	8

# testing
2 in {0, 2, 4}  # True
3 in {0, 2, 4}  # False

# `&`: intersection(), `|`: union(), `-`: difference(), `^`: symmetric_difference()
a = {1, 3}
b = {2, 3}
a & b  # {3}
a | b  # {1, 2, 3}
a - b  # {1}
a ^ b  # {1, 2}

# `<=`: issubset(), `<`: proper subset, `>=`: issuperset(), `>`: proper superset
a <= b  # False
a < b  # False
a >= b  # False
a > b  # False

# set comprehensions: { expression for expression in iterable }
{num for num in range(10)}  # {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
# set comprehensions: { expression for expression in iterable if condition }
{num for num in range(10) if num % 2 == 0}  # {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}

8. Iterations and comprehensions

The terms "iterable" and "iterator" are sometimes used interchangeably to refer to an object that supports iteration in general. For clarity, using the term iterable to refer to an object that supports the iter call, and iterator to refer to an object returned by an iterable on iter that supports the next(I) call.

Any object with a __next__ method to advance to a next result, which raises StopIteration at the end of the series of results, is considered an iterator, that may also be stepped through with a for loop or other iteration tool, because all iteration tools normally work internally by calling __next__ on each iteration and catching the StopIteration exception to determine when to exit.

# import sys
# print(sys.path)
# x = 2
# print(x**32)

f = open('script2.py')
# 'import sys\n'
# 'print(sys.path)\n'
# 'x = 2\n'
# 'print(x**32)\n'
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
# StopIteration
# manual iteration: what for loops usually do
with open('script2.py', 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as fi:
    while True:
            # To simplify manual iteration code, Python 3.X also provides a built-in function, next,
            # that automatically calls an object’s __next__ method.
            line = fi.__next__()  # same as: line = next(fi)
            print(line, end='')
        except StopIteration:
for line in open('script2.py'):  # use file iterators to read by lines
    print(line.upper(), end='')  # calls __next__, catches StopIteration

When the for loop begins, it first uses the iteration protocol to obtain an iterator from the iterable object by passing it to the iter built-in function; the object returned by iter in turn has the required next method. The iter function internally runs the __iter__ method, much like next and __next__.

The Python iteration protocol, used by for loops, comprehensions, maps, and more, and supported by files, lists, dictionaries, generators, and more.

  • The iterable object you request iteration for, whose __iter__ is run by iter.

  • The iterator object returned by the iterable that actually produces values during the iteration, whose __next__ is run by next and raises StopIteration when finished producing results.

    L = [1, 2, 3]  # iterable
    I = iter(L)  # iterator
    # 1
    # 2
    # 3
    # Traceback (most recent call last):
    #   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    # StopIteration

Iteration contexts in Python include the for loop; list comprehensions; the map built-in function; the in membership test expression; and the built-in functions sorted, sum, any, and all, and also includes the list and tuple built-ins, string join methods, and sequence assignments, all of which use the iteration protocol to step across iterable objects one item at a time.

Technically speaking, list comprehensions are never really required because a list of expression results can be always built up manually with for loops, however, list comprehensions might run much faster than manual for loop statements (often roughly twice as fast) because their iterations are performed at C language speed inside the interpreter, rather than with manual Python code.

L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
res = []
for x in L:
print(res)  # [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
res2 = [x + 10 for x in L]
print(res2)  # [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
# filter clauses: if
[line.rstrip() for line in open('script2.py') if line[0] == 'p']
# nested loops: for
[x + y for x in 'abc' for y in 'lmn']

9. Files and directories

A file is a sequence of bytes, stored in some filesystem, and accessed by a filename. A directory (or folder) is a collection of files, and possibly other directories.

  • Text files represent content as normal str strings, perform Unicode encoding and decoding automatically, and perform end-of-line translation by default.

  • Binary files represent content as a special bytes string type and allow programs to access file content unaltered.

  • open(filename, mode): Opens a file in the specified mode, and returns a file object used for reading or writing data.

    • file.read(size): Read a specified number of characters (or bytes) from the file (or all remaining bytes if no size is provided).

    • file.readline(): Read a single line from the file.

    • file.readlines(): Read all lines from the file into a list.

    • for line in open('data'): use line: File iterators read line by line.

    • file.write(data): Write a string of characters (or bytes) data to the file.

    • file.writelines(aList): Write all line strings in a list into file.

    • file.flush(): Flush output buffer to disk without closing.

    • file.seek(N): Change file position to offset N for next operation.

    • mode (optional): a string specifies how the file will be opened, which determines the access permissions and how newline characters (for text files) are handled.

      • r (read): Opens the file for reading. The file must exist, or an error will be raised.

      • w (write): Opens the file for writing. An existing file will be truncated (emptied) before writing. If the file doesn’t exist, it will be created.

      • a (append): Opens the file for appending. New data will be written to the end of the file. If the file doesn’t exist, it will be created.

      • x (exclusive creation): Attempts to create a new file. If the file already exists, an error will be raised.

      • r+ (read and write): Opens the file for both reading and writing. The file must exist.

      • w+ (read and write): Opens the file for both reading and writing. An existing file will be truncated before any operations. If the file doesn’t exist, it will be created.

      • a+ (append and read): Opens the file for both appending and reading. If the file doesn’t exist, it will be created.

      • By default, Python opens files in text mode (t), that handles newline characters differently based on the operating system (CRLF on Windows, LF on Unix/Linux).

      • The binary mode (b) can be specified by appending it to any mode (e.g., rb, wb), that treats the file as a raw stream of bytes without newline conversion.

      • Python 3 offers a universal newline mode (U) that attempts to handle various newline conventions consistently (consult documentation for details).

      poem = '''
      Je suis l'automne, la saison des pluies,
      Le temps des fruits mûrs et des feuilles jaunies,
      Le soleil pâle et les jours qui décroissent,
      Le vent qui hurle et les chaumes qui gémissent.
      Je suis l'automne, la saison des regrets,
      Le temps où meurent les amours et les joies,
      Le temps des souvenirs et des larmes secrètes,
      Le temps des nuits longues et des tristesses froides.
      Je suis l'automne, la saison des douleurs,
      Le temps des fièvres et des maladies,
      Le temps où l'on se sent mourir sans pouvoir guérir,
      Le temps où l'on voudrait mourir et qu'on n'ose pas.
      Je suis l'automne, la saison de la mort,
      Le temps où l'on se couche dans la terre humide,
      Le temps où l'on dort pour toujours sans rêver,
      Le temps où l'on ne souffre plus et qu'on n'aime plus.
      with open('autumn_song.txt', 'w+') as fio:
          lines = fio.readlines()
          for line in lines:
              print(line, sep='', end='')
          for line in fio:  # iterate over lines in the file object (text mode only)
              print(line, sep='', end='')
  • os.mkdir(directory_name): Create a single directory.

  • os.makedirs(directory_path) : Create nested directories if they don’t exist.

  • os.remove(filename): Delete a single file.

  • shutil.rmtree(directory_path): Delete a directory and its contents recursively.

  • os.rename(old_name, new_name): Rename a file or directory.

  • os.getcwd(): Get the current working directory.

  • os.chdir(new_path): Change the working directory.

  • os.listdir(directory_path): Get a list of files and subdirectories within a directory.

  • os.path.exists(path): Check if a file or directory exists.

  • os.path.getsize(path): Get a file size.

  • os.path.isdir(path): Check if it’s a directory.

  • os.path.isfile(path): Check whether a path is a regular file.

  • os.walk(directory): Iterate through a directory recursively, yielding a 3-tuple for each directory containing its path, subdirectories, and filenames.

  • glob.glob(pathname): Return a list of paths matching a pathname pattern.

  • glob.iglob(pathname): Returns an iterator of paths that match the given pattern.

    The pattern can include wildcard characters:

    • *: Matches zero or more characters.

    • ?: Matches exactly one character.

    • []: Matches any character within the specified set.

    • {}: Matches one of the enclosed patterns.

      glob.glob("*.txt")  # Find all text files in the current directory
      glob.glob("**/*.py")  # Find all Python files in the current directory and its subdirectories
      glob.glob("./docs/**/*.png") # "./docs/": Specifies the directory to search in.
      glob.glob("**/images/*.jpg") # Use ** to match files in subdirectories as well
  • pathlib.Path: Represents a file path object in the modern and object-oriented pathlib module for working with file paths.

    # Creating and manipulating files and directories:
    Path.mkdir()    # Create a new directory.
    Path.unlink()   # Remove a file.
    Path.rmdir()    # Remove an empty directory.
    Path.rename()   # Rename a file or directory.
    Path.copy()     # Copy a file or directory.
    Path.replace()  # Move a file or directory.
    # Getting information about files and directories:
    Path.exists()   # Check if a path exists.
    Path.is_file()  # Check if a path is a file.
    Path.is_dir()   # Check if a path is a directory.
    Path.stat()     # Get information about a file or directory (e.g., size, modification time).
    Path.iterdir()  # Iterate over the contents of a directory.
    # Working with file paths:
    Path.joinpath() # Join multiple path components into a single path.
    Path.parent     # Get the parent directory of a path.
    Path.name       # Get the name of a file or directory.
    Path.stem       # Get the name of a file without the extension.
    Path.suffix     # Get the file extension.
    Path.resolve()  # Convert a relative path to an absolute path.
    # Using context managers:
    Path.open()     # Open a file for reading or writing.

10. Functions

# Function-related statements and expressions

# call expressions
myfunc('spam', 'eggs', meat=ham, *rest)

# def
def printer(messge):
    print('Hello ' + message)

# return
def adder(a, b=1, *c):
    return a + b + c[0]

# global
x = 'old'
def changer():
    global x; x = 'new'

# nonlocal (3.X)
def outer():
    x = 'old'
    def changer():
        nonlocal x; x = 'new'

# yield
def squares(x):
  for i in range(x): yield i ** 2

# lambda
funcs = [lambda x: x**2, lambda x: x**3]
# pass
def do_nothing():
    pass  # NOOP

Python 3.X (but not 2.X) allows ellipses coded as …​ (literally, three consecutive dots) to appear any place an expression can. Because ellipses do nothing by themselves, this can serve as an alternative to the pass statement, especially for code to be filled in later—a sort of Python "TBD":

def func1():
    ... # Alternative to pass
def func2():
func1() # Does nothing if called

Ellipses can also appear on the same line as a statement header and may be used to initialize variable names if no specific type is required:

def func1(): ... # Works on same line too
def func2(): ...
X = ... # Alternative to None
X  # Ellipsis

This notation is new in Python 3.X—and goes well beyond the original intent of …​ in slicing extensions—so time will tell if it becomes widespread enough to challenge pass and None in these roles.

  • def is an executable statement to create a new function object and assigns it to a name at runtime, and can appear anywhere a statement can—even nested in other statements.

  • lambda is an expression, not a statement, for coding simple functions, and its body is a single expression, not a block of statements.

  • return sends a result object back to the caller.

  • yield sends a result object back to the caller, but remembers where it left off, to produce a series of results over time.

  • global declares module-level variables that are to be assigned, that tells Python that a function plans to change one or more global names—that is, names that live in the enclosing module’s scope (namespace).

    X = 88  # Global X
    def func():
        global X
        X = 99  # Global X: outside def
    print(X)  # Prints 99
  • nonlocal declares enclosing function variables that are to be assigned, that is declaring the enclosing scopes’ names in a nonlocal statement enables nested functions to assign and thus change such names as well.

    def tester(start):
        state = start  # Each call gets its own state
        def nested(label):
            nonlocal state  # Remembers state in enclosing scope
            print(label, state)
            state += 1  # Allowed to change it if nonlocal
        return nested
    # Increments state on each call
    F = tester(0)
    F('spam')  # spam 0
    F('ham')   # ham 1
    F('eggs')  # eggs 2
  • Arguments are passed by assignment (object reference), and are passed by position, unless saying otherwise.

    • Values passed in a function call match argument names in a function’s definition from left to right by default.

    • Function calls can also pass arguments by name with name=value keyword syntax, and unpack arbitrarily many arguments to send with *args and **kargs starred-argument notation.

    • Function definitions use the same two forms to specify argument defaults, and collect arbitrarily many arguments received.

  • Arguments, return values, and variables are not declared, and there are no type constraints on functions, and a single function can often be applied to a variety of object types—any objects that sport a compatible interface (methods and expressions) will do, regardless of their specific types.

# None
def whatis(thing):  # def whatis(thing: any) -> None:
    if thing is None:
        print(thing, "is None")
    elif thing:
        print(thing, "is True")

whatis(None)  # None is None
# docstring
def echo(anything):
    'echo returns its input argument'
    return anything

print(echo.__doc__)  # 'echo returns its input argument'

10.1. Namespaces

When talking about the search for a name’s value in relation to code, the term scope refers to a namespace—a place where names live. Python’s name-resolution scheme is sometimes called the LEGB rule, after the scope names:

  • When using an unqualified name inside a function, Python searches up to four scopes—the local (L) scope, then the local scopes of any enclosing (E) defs and lambdas, then the global (G) scope, and then the built-in (B) scope—and stops at the first place the name is found. If the name is not found during this search, Python reports an error.

  • When assigning a name in a function (instead of just referring to it in an expression), Python always creates or changes the name in the local scope, unless it’s declared to be global or nonlocal in that function.

  • When assigning a name outside any function (i.e., at the top level of a module file, or at the interactive prompt), the local scope is the same as the global scope—the module’s namespace.

def tester(start):
    def nested(label):
        nonlocal state  # Nonlocals must already exist in enclosing def!
        state = 0
        print(label, state)
    return nested
# SyntaxError: no binding for nonlocal 'state' found

def tester(start):
    def nested(label):
        global state  # Globals don't have to exist yet when declared
        state = 0  # This creates the name in the module now
        print(label, state)
    return nested

Python provides two functions to access the contents of the namespaces:

  • locals() returns a dictionary of the contents of the local namespace.

  • globals() returns a dictionary of the contents of the global namespace.

a = 5.21

def print_global_a():
 global a  # the global keyword: explicit is better than implicit

# 5.21

def print_locals_globals():
    a: int = 0
    b: float = 3.14

# {'a': 0, 'b': 3.14}
# {'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>, 'print_locals': <function print_locals at 0x7fab761ade40>, 'print_globals': <function print_globals at 0x7fab761adee0>, 'print_locals_globals': <function print_locals_globals at 0x7fab761bbba0>, 'a': 5.21}
  • vars() without arguments, equivalent to locals().

    # {'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>}

10.2. Arguments

# function argument-matching forms
def func(name): ...  # normal: matches any passed value by position or name
def func(name=value): ...  # defaults: default argument value, if not passed in the call
def func(*args): ...  # varargs collecting: matches and collects remaining positional arguments in a tuple
def func(**kargs): ...  # varargs collecting: matches and collects remaining keyword arguments in a dictionary
def func(*other, name): ...  # keyword-only arguments: arguments that must be passed by keyword only in calls (3.X)
def func(*, name=value): ...  # keyword-only arguments: arguments that must be passed by keyword only in calls (3.X)

func(value)  # positionals: matched by position
func(name=value)  # keywords: matched by name
func(*iterable)  # varargs unpacking: pass all objects in iterable as individual positional arguments
func(**dict)  # varargs unpacking: pass all key/value pairs in dict as individual keyword arguments
# arguments
def menu(wine, entree, dessert):
    return {'wine': wine, 'entree': entree, 'dessert': dessert}

# positional (or named) arguments: passed by order
menu('chardonnay', 'chicken', 'cake')
# {'wine': 'chardonnay', 'entree': 'chicken', 'dessert': 'cake'}

# keyword arguments: passed by name
menu(entree='beef', dessert='bagel', wine='bordeaux')
# {'wine': 'bordeaux', 'entree': 'beef', 'dessert': 'bagel'}

# mix positional and keyword arguments
menu('frontenac', dessert='flan', entree='fish')
# {'wine': 'frontenac', 'entree': 'fish', 'dessert': 'flan'}
# optional positional arguments
def print_args(*args):
    print(args)  # gather as a tuple

# ()
print_args('meow', 'bark', 'moo')
# ('meow', 'bark', 'moo')
print_args(('meow', 'bark', 'moo'))
# (('meow', 'bark', 'moo'),)
print_args(*('meow', 'bark', 'moo'))  # explode a tuple with `*`
# ('meow', 'bark', 'moo')
# optional keyword arguments
def print_kargs(**kargs):
    print(kargs)  # gather as a dict

# {}
print_kargs(cat='meow', dog='bark', cattle='moo')
# {'cat': 'meow', 'dog': 'bark', 'cattle': 'moo'}
print_kargs(**{'cat': 'meow', 'dog': 'bark', 'cattle': 'moo'})  # explode a dict with `**`
# {'cat': 'meow', 'dog': 'bark', 'cattle': 'moo'}
# default parameters
def menu(wine, entree, dessert='pudding'):
    return {'wine': wine, 'entree': entree, 'dessert': dessert}

menu('chardonnay', 'chicken')
# {'wine': 'chardonnay', 'entree': 'chicken', 'dessert': 'pudding'}
# keyword-only arguments `*`
def kwonly(a, *b, c):
    - a: may be passed by name or position.
    - b: collects any extra positional arguments
    - c: must be passed by keyword only.
    print(a, b, c)

kwonly(1, 2, c=3)  # 1 (2,) 3
kwonly(a=1, c=3)  # 1 () 3
kwonly(1, 2, 3)  # TypeError: kwonly() missing 1 required keyword-only argument: 'c'

def kwonly(a, *, b, c='spam'):
    - a: may be passed by name or position.
    - b: must be passed by keyword.
    - c: optional but must be passed by keyword.
    print(a, b, c)

kwonly(1, b='eggs')  # 1 eggs spam
# In a function header, arguments must appear in this order: any normal arguments (name); followed
# by any default arguments (name=value); followed by the *name (or * in 3.X) form; followed by any
# name or name=value keyword-only arguments (in 3.X); followed by the **name form.

# In Python 3.X only, argument names in a function header can also have annotation values, specified
# as name:value (or name:value=default when defaults are present). The function itself can also have
# an annotation value, given as def f()->value.

# In a function call, arguments must appear in this order: any positional arguments (value); followed
# by a combination of any keyword arguments (name=value) and the *iterable form; followed by the
# **dict form.

# In both the call and header, the **args form must appear last if present.

# The steps that Python internally carries out to match arguments before assignment can roughly be
# described as follows:
#   1. Assign nonkeyword arguments by position.
#   2. Assign keyword arguments by matching names.
#   3. Assign extra nonkeyword arguments to *name tuple.
#   4. Assign extra keyword arguments to **name dictionary.
#   5. Assign default values to unassigned arguments in header.
def the_order_of_arguments(
    required: str,
    optional: str = None,
    *args: tuple,
    key: str = None,
    **kargs: dict
) -> None:
  This function demonstrates the order of arguments in Python.

      required (str): A required positional argument.
      optional (str, optional): An optional positional argument with a default value of None.
      *args (tuple, optional): Captures any remaining positional arguments as a tuple.
      key (str, optional): A keyword-only argument with a default value of None.
      **kargs (dict, optional): Captures any remaining keyword arguments as a dictionary.

  # Function body (can be replaced with actual logic)
  print(f"Required argument: {required}")
  print(f"Optional argument: {optional}")
  print(f"Positional arguments (as tuple): {args}")
  print(f"Keyword-only argument: {key}")
  print(f"Keyword arguments (as dictionary): {kwargs}")

the_order_of_arguments("This is required", "This is optional", x=10, y="hello")
# applying functions generically
from collections.abc import Callable

def tracer(func: Callable, *pargs: tuple, **kargs: dict):  # accept arbitrary arguments
    print('calling:', func.__name__)
    return func(*pargs, **kargs)  # pass along arbitrary arguments

def func(a, b, c, d):
    return a + b + c + d

print(tracer(func, 1, 2, c=3, d=4))
# calling: func
# 10
# recursion
def flatten(lol):
    for item in lol:
        if isinstance(item, list):
            yield from flatten(item)  # yield from expression
            yield item

lol = [1, 2, [3, 4, 5], [6, [7, 8, 9], []]]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

10.3. Attributes

In Python, functions are objects, which may be assigned to other names, passed to other functions, embedded in data structures, returned from one function to another, and more, as if they were simple numbers or strings.

# functions are first-class citizens
def answer():

def run_sth(func):

run_sth(answer)  # 42

# inner functions
def outer(a, b):
    def inner(c, d):
        return c+d
    return inner(a, b)

Function objects are not limited to the system-defined attributes, but also can be attached arbitrary user-defined attributes.

def func(): ...

dir(func)  # ['__annotations__', '__code__', '__name__', ...]

func.count = 0
func.count += 1
func.count  # 1

func.handles = 'Button-Press'
func.handles  # 'Button-Press'

10.4. Annotations

In Python 3.X, it’s also possible to attach annotation information—arbitrary user-defined data about a function’s arguments and result—to a function object, and when present are simply attached to the function object’s __annotations__ attribute for use by other tools.

def func(a: 'spam', b: (1, 10), c: float) -> int: return a + b + c
func.__annotations__  # {'a': 'spam', 'b': (1, 10), 'c': <class 'float'>, 'return': <class 'int'>}

10.5. Lambda

Python provides a lambda expression form that generates anonymous (i.e., unnamed) function objects. Its general form is the keyword lambda, followed by one or more arguments (exactly like the arguments list enclosed in parentheses in a def header), followed by an expression after a colon:

lambda argument1, argument2,... argumentN : expression using arguments
# defs and lambdas do the same sort of work:
def func(x, y, z): return x + y + z
func(2, 3, 4)  # 9
f = func
f(2, 3, 4)  # 9

g = lambda x, y, z: x + y + z
g(2, 3, 4)  # 9

# defaults work on lambda arguments, just like in a def:
x = (lambda a="fee", b="fie", c="foe": a + b + c)
x("wee")  # 'weefiefoe'
# lambda is also commonly used to code jump tables, which are lists or dictionaries of
# actions to be performed on demand. For example:
L = [lambda x: x ** 2,  # Inline function definition
     lambda x: x ** 3,
     lambda x: x ** 4]  # A list of three callable functions
for f in L:
    print(f(2))  # Prints 4, 8, 16
print(L[0](3))  # Prints 9

key = 'got'
actions = {
    'already': (lambda: 2 + 2),
    'got': (lambda: 2 * 4),
    'one': (lambda: 2 ** 6),
actions[key]()  # 8
from functools import reduce
nums = range(10)  # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

# map: mapping functions over iterables
list(map(lambda x: x+1, nums))  # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

# filter: selecting items in iterables
list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, nums))  # [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]

# reduce: combining items in iterables
reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, nums)  # 45

10.6. Closures

def maker(N):
    def action(X):  # make and return action
        return X ** N  # action retains N from enclosing scope
    return action

f = maker(2)
f  # <function maker.<locals>.action at 0x7faba988f240>
f(3)  # 9
f(4)  # 16
g = maker(3)  # g remembers 3, f remembers 2
g(4)  # 64
f(4)  # 16

def maker(N):
    action = (lambda x: x ** N)  # N remembered from enclosing def
    return action

x = maker(4)
print(x(2))  # Prints 16, 4 ** 2
# If a lambda or def defined within a function is nested inside a loop, and
# the nested function references an enclosing scope variable that is changed
# by that loop, all functions generated within the loop will have the same
# value—the value the referenced variable had in the last loop iteration.
# It's because the enclosing scope variable is looked up when the nested
# functions are later called, they all effectively remember the same value:
# the value the loop variable had on the last loop iteration.
def make_actions():
    acts = []
    for i in range(5):  # Tries to remember each i
        acts.append(lambda x: i ** x)  # But all remember same last i!
    return acts

acts = make_actions()
[act(2) for act in acts]  # [16, 16, 16, 16, 16]

# That is, to make this sort of code work, we must pass in the current value
# of the enclosing scope’s variable with a default. Because defaults are
# evaluated when the nested function is created (not when it’s later called),
# each remembers its own value for i:
def make_actions():
    acts = []
    for i in range(5):  # Use defaults instead
        acts.append(lambda x, i=i: i ** x)  # Remember current i
    return acts

acts = make_actions()
[act(2) for act in acts]  # [0, 1, 4, 9, 16]

10.7. Generators

  • A function def statement that contains a yield statement is turned into a generator function.

    When called, it returns a new generator object with automatic retention of local scope and code position; an automatically created __iter__ method that simply returns itself; and an automatically created __next__ method (next in 2.X) that starts the function or resumes it where it last left off, and raises StopIteration when finished producing results.

    def gensquares(N):
        for i in range(N):
            yield i ** 2  # Resume here later
    for i in gensquares(5):  # Resume the function
        print(i, end=' : ')  # Print last yielded value
    # 0 : 1 : 4 : 9 : 16 :
    x = gensquares(4)
    # iter() is not required: a no-op here
    iter(x) is x  # True
    x.__next__()  # 0
    x.__next__()  # 1
    x.__next__()  # 4
    x.__next__()  # 9
    x.__next__()  # StopIteration
    • State suspension

      • Unlike normal functions that return a value and exit, generator functions automatically suspend and resume their execution and state around the point of value generation.

        Because of that, they are often a useful alternative to both computing an entire series of values up front and manually saving and restoring state in classes.

      • The state that generator functions retain when they are suspended includes both their code location, and their entire local scope. Hence, their local variables retain information between results, and make it available when the functions are resumed.

      • The chief code difference between generator and normal functions is that a generator yields a value, rather than returning one—the yield statement suspends the function and sends a value back to the caller, but retains enough state to enable the function to resume from where it left off.

        When resumed, the function continues execution immediately after the last yield run. From the function’s perspective, this allows its code to produce a series of values over time, rather than computing them all at once and sending them back in something like a list.

    • Iteration protocol integration

      • Generator functions, coded as def statements containing yield statements, are automatically made to support the iteration object protocol and thus may be used in any iteration context to produce results over time and on demand.

        To support this protocol, functions containing a yield statement are compiled specially as generators—they are not normal functions, but rather are built to return an object with the expected iteration protocol methods. When later called, they return a generator object that supports the iteration interface with an automatically created method named __next__ to start or resume execution.

      • Generator functions may also have a return statement that, along with falling off the end of the def block, simply terminates the generation of values—technically, by raising a StopIteration exception after any normal function exit actions.

        From the caller’s perspective, the generator’s __next__ method resumes the function and runs until either the next yield result is returned or a StopIteration is raised.

  • A comprehension expression enclosed in parentheses (like tuples, their enclosing parentheses are often optional) is known as a generator expression.

    When run, it returns a new generator object with the same automatically created method interface and state retention as a generator function call’s results —with an __iter__ method that simply returns itself; and a __next__ method (next in 2.X) that starts the implied loop or resumes it where it last left off, and raises StopIteration when finished producing results.

    [x ** 2 for x in range(4)]  # list comprehension: build a list
    # [0, 1, 4, 9]
    (x ** 2 for x in range(4))  # generator expression: make an iterable
    # <generator object <genexpr> at 0x7fcd7069b780>
    list(x ** 2 for x in range(4)) # list comprehension equivalence
    [0, 1, 4, 9]
    • Generator expressions are a memory-space optimization —they do not require the entire result list to be constructed all at once, as the squarebracketed list comprehension does.

    • Generator expressions may run slightly slower than list comprehensions in practice, so they are probably best used only for very large result sets, or applications that cannot wait for full results generation.

  • Python 3.3 introduces extended syntax for the yield statement that allows delegation to a subgenerator with a from generator clause.

    def both(N):
        for i in range(N):
            yield i
        for i in (x ** 2 for x in range(N)):
            yield i
    list(both(5))  # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
    def both(N):
        yield from range(N)
        yield from (x ** 2 for x in range(N))
    list(both(5))  # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
    ' : '.join(str(i) for i in both(5))  # '0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 0 : 1 : 4 : 9 : 16'
  • Generators are single-iteration objects, that support just one active iteration, and can’t have multiple iterators of either positioned at different locations in the set of results.

    Because of this, a generator’s iterator is the generator itself; in fact, as suggested earlier, calling iter on a generator expression or function is an optional no-op.

    G = (c * 4 for c in 'SPAM')
    iter(G) is G  # My iterator is myself: G has __next__
    # True

11. Classes

  • Like the function def statement, the Python class statement is an executable statement, and generates a new class object and assigns it to the name in the class header when reached and run, and provides default behavior and serve as factories for instance objects.

    class name: ...  # standard class definition
    class name(): ...  # less common approach (equivalent in functionality)
  • The first argument (called self by convention) inside a class’s method functions references the instance object being processed and assignments to attributes of self create or change data in the instance, not the class.

    # superclass links are made by listing classes in parentheses in a class statement header.
    class name(superclass, ...):  # assign to name
        # class attributes are created by statements (assignments) in class statements.
        attr = value  # class data attributes, shared by all instances
        def method(self, ...):  # methods
            # instance attributes are generated by assignments to self attributes in methods.
            self.attr = value  # per-instance data
  • Like in module files, top-level assignments within a class statement (not nested in a def) generate attributes in the class object’s local scope.

  • A class object’s attributes record state information and behavior to be shared by all instances created from the class and function def statements nested inside a class generate methods, which process instances.

  • Like a function, each time a class is called, it creates and returns a new instance object that inherits class attributes and gets its own namespace.

    class Cat:
        color = 'red'
    cat = Cat()  # create an object from a class
    tom = Cat()
    jerry = Cat()
    print(tom.color)  # red
    print(jerry.color)  # red
    tom.color = 'black'  # object attributes take precedence over class attributes when accessed or modified
    Cat.color = 'blue'  # affect existing and new objects
    butch = Cat()
    print(jerry.color)  # blue
    print(tom.color)  # black
    print(butch.color)  # blue
  • An instance method call instance.method(args…​) is automatically mapped to a class’s method functions as class.method(instance, args…​).

    class Cat:
        def wow(self):
    tom = Cat()
    tom.wow()  # meow!
    Cat.wow(tom)  # meow!
  • The built-in instance.__class__ attribute provides a link from an instance to the class from which it was created, and classes in turn have a __name__, and a __bases__ sequence that provides access to superclasses.

  • The built-in object.__dict__ attribute provides a dictionary for every attribute attached to a namespace object (including modules, classes, and instances).

    Because attribute fetch qualification also performs an inheritance search, it can access inherited attributes that namespace dictionary indexing cannot.

    class Super:
        def hello(self):
            self.data1 = 'spam'
    class Sub(Super):
        def hola(self):
            self.data2 = 'eggs'
    x = Sub()
    x.__dict__  # instance namespace dict
    # {}
    x.__class__  # class of instance
    # <class '__main__.Sub'>
    # 'Sub'
    Sub.__bases__  # superclasses of class
    # (<class '__main__.Super'>,)
    # (<class 'object'>,)
    # {'data1': 'spam'}
    # {'data1': 'spam', 'data2': 'eggs'}
    x.data1, x.__dict__['data1']
    # ('spam', 'spam')
    x.data3 = 'toast'
    # {'data1': 'spam', 'data2': 'eggs', 'data3': 'toast'}
    # KeyError: 'hello'
  • In Python, the super() function is used to access the parent class’s methods and attributes and helps to call the parent class constructors in __init__ in the correct order based on the method resolution order (MRO).

  • In classes, operator overloading is implemented by providing specially methods named with double underscores (__X__) to intercept operations.

    # initialization: __init__(), to save syllables, double underscores (__), also pronounce as dunder.
    class Cat:
        # self is not a reserved word, but it’s common as the first argument to refer to the object itself.
        def __init__(self, name):  # initializer
            self.name = name
        # a method is a function in a class or object.
        def wow(self):
            print(f'{self.name:}: meow!')
    cat = Cat('Tom')
    cat.wow()  # Tom: meow!
    Cat.wow(cat)  # Tom: meow!

11.1. Inheritances

# inheritance is based on attribute lookup in Python (in X.name expressions)
class Animal:
    def __init__(self, voice):
        self.voice = voice

    def wow(self):

class Cat(Animal):
    def __init__(self):
        Animal.__init__(self, 'meow')  # Name superclass explicitly, pass self

class Dog(Animal):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__('bark')  # Reference superclass generically, omit self

    def wow(self):
        print(f'{self.voice}! '*3)

cat = Cat()
cat.wow()  # meow!

dog = Dog()
dog.wow()  # bark! bark! bark!

The inheritance search path is more breadth-first in diamond cases—Python first looks in any superclasses to the right of the one just searched before ascending to the common superclass at the top.

  • In other words, this search proceeds across by levels before moving up.

  • This search order is called the new-style MRO for “method resolution order” (and often just MRO for short when used in contrast with the classic DFLR, depth first, and then left to right order).

  • Despite the name, this is used for all attributes in Python, not just methods.

# multiple inheritance: method resolution order
class Animal:
    def wow(self):
        print('I speak!')

class Horse(Animal):
    def wow(self):

class Donkey(Animal):
    def wow(self):

class Mule(Donkey, Horse):

# [<class '__main__.Mule'>, <class '__main__.Donkey'>, <class '__main__.Horse'>, <class '__main__.Animal'>, <class 'object'>]

class Hinny(Horse, Donkey):

# (<class '__main__.Hinny'>, <class '__main__.Horse'>, <class '__main__.Donkey'>, <class '__main__.Animal'>, <class 'object'>)
# Mixins in Python are a code reuse technique used to add functionalities to classes
# without relying on traditional inheritance to achieve modularity.
class PrettyMixin():
    def dump(self):
        import pprint

class Thing():
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = "Nyarlathotep"
        self.feature = "ichor"
        self.age = "eldritch"

# Mixins are included in a class definition using multiple inheritance syntax.
class PrettyThing(Thing, PrettyMixin):

t = PrettyThing()
t.dump()  # {'age': 'eldritch', 'feature': 'ichor', 'name': 'Nyarlathotep'}
# Python doesn’t have private attributes, but has a naming convention for attributes that
# should not be visible outside of their class definition: begin with two underscores (__).
class Cat:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.__name = name

    def name(self):  # getter
        return self.__name

    def name(self, name):  # setter
        self.__name = name

cat = Cat('Tom')
print(cat.name)  # Tom
cat.name = 'Jerry'
print(cat.name)  # Jerry
# duck typing: a loose implementation of polymorphism
# If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.
#     —— A Wise Person
class Duck:
    def __init__(self, name) -> None:
        self.__name = name

    def who(self):
        return self.__name

    def wow(self):
        return 'quack!'

class Cat:
    def __init__(self, name) -> None:
        self.__name = name

    def who(self):
        return self.__name

    def wow(self):
        return 'meow!'

def who_wow(obj):
    print(f'{obj.who()}: {obj.wow()}')

who_wow(Duck('Donald'))  # Donald: quack!
who_wow(Cat('Tom'))  # Tom: meow!
# dataclasses
from dataclasses import dataclass

class Cat:
    name: str
    age: int
    color: str = 'blue'

tom = Cat('tom', 3)
print(tom)  # Cat(name='tom', age=3, color='blue')

11.2. Slots: attribute declarations

By assigning a sequence of string attribute names to a special __slots__ class attribute, it can enable a new-style class to both limit the set of legal attributes that instances of the class will have, and optimize memory usage and possibly program speed.

class limiter(object):
    __slots__ = ['age', 'name', 'job']
x = limiter()
x.age # Must assign before use
# AttributeError: age
x.age = 40 # Looks like instance data
# 40
x.ape = 1000 # Illegal: not in __slots__
# AttributeError: 'limiter' object has no attribute 'ape'

11.3. Properties: attribute accessors (a.k.a. “getters” and “setters”)

A property is a type of object assigned to a class attribute name by calling the property built-in function, passing in up to three accessor methods—handlers for get, set, and delete operations—as well as an optional docstring for the property. If any argument is passed as None or omitted, that operation is not supported.

class operators:
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name == 'age':
            return 40
            raise AttributeError(name)

x = operators()
x.age  # Runs __getattr__
# 40
x.name  # Runs __getattr__
# AttributeError: name
class properties(object):  # Need object in 2.X for setters
    def getage(self):
        return 40
    age = property(getage, None, None, None)  # (get, set, del, docs), or use @

x = properties()
x.age  # Runs getage
# 40
x.name  # Normal fetch
# AttributeError: 'properties' object has no attribute 'name'
class properties(object):  # Need object in 2.X for setters
    def getage(self):
        return 40

    def setage(self, value):
        print('set age: %s' % value)
        self._age = value
    age = property(getage, setage, None, None)

x = properties()
x.age  # Runs getage
# 40
x.age = 42  # Runs setage
# set age: 42
x._age  # Normal fetch: no getage call
# 42
x.age  # Runs getage
# 40
x.job = 'trainer'  # Normal assign: no setage call
x.job  # Normal fetch: no getage call
# 'trainer'
class properties(object):
    @property  # Coding properties with decorators: ahead
    def age(self):

    def age(self, value):

11.4. Instance methods, class methods, static methods

  • Instance methods, passed a self instance object (the default)

  • Static methods, passed no extra object (via staticmethod)

  • Class methods, passed a class object (via classmethod, and inherent in metaclasses)

    class Methods:
        def imeth(self, x):  # Normal instance method: passed a self
            print([self, x])
        def smeth(x):  # Static: no instance passed
        def cmeth(cls, x):  # Class: gets class, not instance
            print([cls, x])
        smeth = staticmethod(smeth)  # Make smeth a static method (or @: ahead)
        cmeth = classmethod(cmeth)  # Make cmeth a class method (or @: ahead)
    class Methods:
        def imeth(self, x):  # Normal instance method: passed a self
            print([self, x])
        def smeth(x):  # Static: no instance passed
        def cmeth(cls, x):  # Class: gets class, not instance
            print([cls, x])
    # instance methods, class methods, static methods
    class Cat:
        # Class attribute (shared by all instances)
        species = "Felis catus"
        def __init__(self, name, age):
            self.name = name
            self.age = age
        # Instance method (operates on a specific instance)
        def meow(self):
            print(f"{self.name} says meow!")
        def create_from_dict(cls, cat_dict):
            Class method to create a Cat object from a dictionary.
                cls (class): The Cat class itself.
                cat_dict (dict): A dictionary containing cat data (name, age).
                Cat: A new Cat object.
            return cls(cat_dict["name"], cat_dict["age"])
        def is_adult(age):
            Static method to check if a cat is considered adult (age >= 1).
                age (int): The cat's age.
                bool: True if the cat is adult, False otherwise.
            return age >= 1
    # Create Cat objects
    cat1 = Cat("Whiskers", 2)
    cat2 = Cat.create_from_dict({"name": "Luna", "age": 5})
    # Instance method call (operates on specific objects)
    cat1.meow()  # Output: Whiskers says meow!
    cat2.meow()  # Output: Luna says meow!
    # Class method call
    new_cat = Cat.create_from_dict({"name": "Simba", "age": 1})
    # Static method call
    is_cat1_adult = Cat.is_adult(cat1.age)
    # Output: Simba is 1 years old.
    print(f"{new_cat.name} is {new_cat.age} years old.")
    # Output: Is Whiskers an adult? True
    print(f"Is Whiskers an adult? {is_cat1_adult}")

11.5. Operator overloading

  • Operator overloading lets classes intercept normal Python operations.

  • Classes can overload all Python expression operators.

  • Classes can also overload built-in operations such as printing, function calls, attribute access, etc.

  • Overloading makes class instances act more like built-in types.

  • Overloading is implemented by providing specially named methods in a class.

11.5.1. Constructors and destructions: __init__, __del__

The __init__ constructor is called whenever an instance is generated, and its counterpart, the __del__ destructor is run automatically when an instance’s space is being reclaimed (i.e., at “garbage collection” time).

  • Technically, instance creation first triggers the __new__ method, which creates and returns the new instance object, which is then passed into __init__ for initialization.

  • Python automatically reclaims all memory space held by an instance when the instance is reclaimed, destructors are not necessary for space management. It’s often better to code termination activities in an explicitly called method (e.g., shutdown), and the try/finally statement also supports termination actions, as does the with statement for objects that support its context manager model.

    class Life:
        def __init__(self, name='unknown'):
            print('Hello ' + name)
            self.name = name
        def live(self):
        def __del__(self):
            print('Goodbye ' + self.name)
    brian = Life('Brian')  # Hello Brian
    brian.live()  # Brian
    brian = 'loretta'  # Goodbye Brian

11.5.2. Indexing and slicing: __getitem__ and __setitem__

  • When an instance X appears in an indexing expression like X[i], Python calls the __getitem__ method inherited by the instance, passing X and the index in brackets to the arguments.

    class Indexer:
        def __getitem__(self, index):
            return index ** 2
    X = Indexer()
    X[2]  # X[i] calls X.__getitem__(i)
    # 4
    for i in range(5):
        print(X[i], end=' ')  # Runs __getitem__(X, i) each time
    # 0 1 4 9 16
  • In addition to indexing, __getitem__ is also called for slice expressions—using upper and lower bounds and a stride bundled up into a slice object.

    class Indexer:
        data = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
        def __getitem__(self, index: int | slice) -> int | list[int]:  # Called for index or slice
            print('getitem:', index)
            return self.data[index]  # Perform index or slice
    X = Indexer()
    # getitem: 0
    # 5
    # getitem: -1
    # 9
    # getitem: slice(2, 4, None)
    # [7, 8]
    # getitem: slice(1, None, None)
    # [6, 7, 8, 9]
    # getitem: slice(None, -1, None)
    # [5, 6, 7, 8]
    # getitem: slice(None, None, 2)
    # [5, 7, 9]
  • The __getitem__ may be also called automatically as an iteration fallback option (all iteration contexts will try the __iter__ method first), for example, the for loops, in membership test, list comprehensions, the map built-in, list and tuple assignments, and type constructors.

    class StepperIndex:
        def __init__(self, data):
            self.data = data
        def __getitem__(self, i):
            return self.data[i]
    X = StepperIndex('Spam')
    X[1]  # Indexing calls __getitem__
    # 'p'
    for item in X:  # for loops call __getitem__
        print(item, end=' ')  # for indexes items 0..N
    # S p a m
    'p' in X  # All call __getitem__ too
    # True
    [c for c in X]  # List comprehension
    # ['S', 'p', 'a', 'm']
    list(map(str.upper, X))  # map calls
    # ['S', 'P', 'A', 'M']
    (a, b, c, d) = X  # Sequence assignments
    a, c, d
    # ('S', 'a', 'm')
    list(X), tuple(X), ''.join(X)  # And so on...
    # (['S', 'p', 'a', 'm'], ('S', 'p', 'a', 'm'), 'Spam')
  • The __setitem__ index assignment method similarly intercepts both index and slice assignments.

    class IndexSetter:
        def __init__(self, data):
            self.data = data
        def __setitem__(self, index, value):  # Intercept index or slice assignment
            self.data[index] = value  # Assign index or slice
  • The __index__ method returns an integer value for an instance when needed and is used by built-ins that convert to digit strings.

    class C:
        def __index__(self):
            return 255
    X = C()
    hex(X)  # '0xff'
    bin(X)  # '0b11111111'
    oct(X)  # '0o377'

11.5.3. Iterable objects: __iter__ and __next__

  • Technically, iteration contexts work by passing an iterable object to the iter built-in function to invoke an __iter__ method, which is expected to return an iterator object.

  • If it’s provided, Python then repeatedly calls the iterator object’s __next__ method to produce items until a StopIteration exception is raised.

  • A next built-in function is also available as a convenience for manual iterations—next(I) is the same as I.next().

  • In all iteration contexts, Python tries to use __iter__ first, which returns an object that supports the iteration protocol with a __next__ method: if no __iter__ is found by inheritance search, Python falls back on the __getitem__ indexing method, which is called repeatedly, with successively higher indexes, until an IndexError exception is raised.

    class Squares:
        def __init__(self, start, stop):  # Save state when created
            self.value = start - 1
            self.stop = stop
        def __iter__(self):  # Get iterator object on iter
            return self  # One-shot iteration, single traversal only
        def __next__(self):  # Return a square on each iteration
            if self.value == self.stop:  # Also called by next built-in
                raise StopIteration
            self.value += 1
            return self.value ** 2
  • If used, the yield statement can create the __next__ method automatically.

    class Squares:                          # __iter__ + yield generator
        def __init__(self, start, stop):    # __next__ is automatic/implied
            self.start = start
            self.stop = stop
        def __iter__(self):
            for value in range(self.start, self.stop + 1):
                yield value ** 2
  • To achieve the multiple-iterator effect on one object, __iter__ simply needs to define a new stateful object for the iterator, instead of returning self for each iterator request.

    class SkipObject:
        def __init__(self, wrapped):  # Save item to be used
            self.wrapped = wrapped
        def __iter__(self):
            return SkipIterator(self.wrapped)  # New iterator each time
    class SkipIterator:
        def __init__(self, wrapped):
            self.wrapped = wrapped  # Iterator state information
            self.offset = 0
        def __next__(self):
            if self.offset >= len(self.wrapped):  # Terminate iterations
                raise StopIteration
                item = self.wrapped[self.offset]  # else return and skip
                self.offset += 2
                return item

11.5.4. Membership: __contains__, __iter__, and __getitem__

  • In the iterations domain, classes can implement the in membership operator as an iteration, using either the __iter__ or __getitem__ methods.

  • To support more specific membership, though, classes may code a __contains__ method—when present, this method is preferred over __iter__, which is preferred over __getitem__.

  • The __contains__ method should define membership as applying to keys for a mapping (and can use quick lookups), and as a search for sequences.

    class Iters:
        def __init__(self, value):
            self.data = value
        def __getitem__(self, i):  # Fallback for iteration
            print('get[%s]:' % i, end='')  # Also for index, slice
            return self.data[i]
        def __iter__(self):  # Preferred for iteration
            print('iter=> next:', end='')  # Allows multiple active iterators
            for x in self.data:  # no __next__ to alias to next
                yield x
                print('next:', end='')
        def __contains__(self, x):  # Preferred for 'in'
            print('contains: ', end='')
            return x in self.data

11.5.5. Attribute access: __getattr__ and __setattr__

  • The __getattr__ method intercepts attribute references.

    • It’s called with the attribute name as a string whenever trying to qualify an instance with an undefined (nonexistent) attribute name.

    • It is not called if Python can find the attribute using its inheritance tree search procedure.

      class Empty:
          def __getattr__(self, attrname):  # On self.undefined
              if attrname == 'age':  # age becomes a dynamically computed attribute
                  return 40
                  raise AttributeError(attrname)  # raises the builtin AttributeError exception
      X = Empty()
      X.age  # 40
      X.name  # AttributeError: name
  • In the same department, the __setattr__ intercepts all attribute assignments.

    • If the method is defined or inherited, self.attr = value becomes self.__setattr__('attr', value).

    • Assigning to any self attributes within __setattr__ calls __setattr__ again, potentially causing an infinite recursion loop.

    • Avoid loops by coding instance attribute assignments as assignments to attribute dictionary keys: self.dict['name'] = x, not self.name = x.

      class Accesscontrol:
          def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
              if attr == 'age':
                  self.__dict__[attr] = value + 10  # Not self.name=val or setattr
                  # It’s also possible to avoid recursive loops in a class that uses __setattr__ by routing
                  # any attribute assignments to a higher superclass with a call, instead of assigning keys
                  # in __dict__:
                  #    self.__dict__[attr] = value + 10 # OK: doesn't loop
                  #    object.__setattr__(self, attr, value + 10) # OK: doesn't loop (new-style only)
                  raise AttributeError(attr + ' not allowed')
      X = Accesscontrol()
      X.age = 40
      X.age  # 50
      X.name = 'Bob'  # AttributeError: name not allowed
  • A third attribute management method, __delattr__, is passed the attribute name string and invoked on all attribute deletions (i.e., del object.attr).

    • Like __setattr__, it must avoid recursive loops by routing attribute deletions with the using class through __dict__ or a superclass.

  • The built-in getattr function is used to fetch an attribute from an object by name string—getattr(X,N) is like X.N, except that N is an expression that evaluates to a string at runtime, not a variable.

    class Wrapper:  # A wrapper (sometimes called a proxy) class
        def __init__(self, object):
            self.wrapped = object  # Save object
        def __getattr__(self, attrname):
            print('Trace: ' + attrname)  # Trace fetch
            return getattr(self.wrapped, attrname)  # Delegate fetch

11.5.6. String representation: __repr__ and __str__

If defined, __repr__ (or its close relative, __str__) is called automatically when class instances are printed or converted to strings.

  • __str__ is tried first for the print operation and the str built-in function (the internal equivalent of which print runs). It generally should return a user-friendly display.

  • __repr__ is used in all other contexts: for interactive echoes, the repr function, and nested appearances, as well as by print and str if no __str__ is present. It should generally return an as-code string that could be used to re-create the object, or a detailed display for developers.

    class adder:
        def __init__(self, value=0):
            self.data = value  # Initialize data
        def __add__(self, other):
            self.data += other  # Add other in place (bad form?)
    x = adder()  # Default displays
    # <__main__.adder object at 0x7fd1fd745a50>
    # <__main__.adder object at 0x7fd1fd745a50>
    class addrepr(adder):  # Inherit __init__, __add__
        def __repr__(self):  # Add string representation
            return 'addrepr(%s)' % self.data  # Convert to as-code string
    x = addrepr(2)
    x  # Runs __repr__
    # addrepr(2)
    print(x)  # Runs __repr__
    # addrepr(2)
    str(x), repr(x)  # Runs __repr__ for both
    # ('addrepr(2)', 'addrepr(2)')
    class addstr(adder):
        def __str__(self):  # __str__ but no __repr__
            return '[Value: %s]' % self.data  # Convert to nice string
    x = addstr(3)
    x  # Default __repr__
    # <demo.addstr object at 0x7fd1fd63d2d0>
    print(x)  # # Runs __str__
    # [Value: 3]
    str(x), repr(x)
    # ('[Value: 3]', '<demo.addstr object at 0x7fd1fd63d2d0>')
    class addboth(adder):
        def __str__(self):
            return '[Value: %s]' % self.data  # User-friendly string
        def __repr__(self):
            return 'addboth(%s)' % self.data  # As-code string
    x = addboth(4)
    x  # Runs __repr__
    # addboth(4)
    print(x)  # Runs __str__
    # [Value: 4]
    str(x), repr(x)
    # ('[Value: 4]', 'addboth(4)')

11.5.7. Right-side and in-place uses: __radd__ and __iadd__

  • Every binary operator has a left, right, and in-place variant overloading methods (e.g., __add__, __radd__, and __iadd__).

  • For example, the __add__ for objects on the left is called instead in all other cases and does not support the use of instance objects on the right side of the + operator.

    class Number:
        def __init__(self, value=0):
            self.data = value
        def __add__(self, other):
            return self.data+other
    x = Number(5)
    x + 2
    # 7
    2 + x
    # TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'Number'
  • To implement more general expressions, and hence support commutative-style operators, code the __radd__ method as well.

    class Number:
        def __init__(self, value=0):
            self.data = value
        def __add__(self, other):
            return self.data+other
        def __radd__(self, other):
            return self.data+other
        # Reusing __add__ in __radd__
        # def __radd__(self, other):
        #     return self.__add__(other)  # Call __add__ explicitly
        #     return self + other  # Swap order and re-add
        # __radd__ = __add__  # Alias: cut out the middleman
    x = Number(5)
    x + 2
    # 7
    2 + x
    # 7
  • To also implement += in-place augmented addition, code either an __iadd__ or an __add__. The latter is used if the former is absent, but may not be able optimize in-place cases.

    class Number:
        def __init__(self, value=0):
            self.data = value
        def __add__(self, other):
            return self.data+other
        __radd__ = __add__
        def __iadd__(self, other):  # __iadd__ explicit: x += y
            self.data += other  # Usually returns self
            return self
    x = Number(5)
    x += 1
    x += 1
    # 7

11.5.8. Call expressions: __call__

  • Python runs a __call__ method for function call expressions applied to the instances, passing along whatever positional or keyword arguments were sent.

    class Callee:
        def __call__(self, *pargs, **kargs):  # Intercept instance calls
            print('Called:', pargs, kargs)  # Accept arbitrary arguments
    C = Callee()
    C(1, 2, 3)  # C is a callable object
    # Called: (1, 2, 3) {}
    C(1, 2, 3, x=4, y=5)
    # Called: (1, 2, 3) {'y': 5, 'x': 4}
    class C:
        def __call__(self, a, b, c=5, d=6): ...  # Normals and defaults
    class C:
        def __call__(self, *pargs, **kargs): ...  # Collect arbitrary arguments
    class C:
        def __call__(self, *pargs, d=6, **kargs): ...  # 3.X keyword-only argument

11.5.9. Boolean tests: __bool__ and __len__

  • In Boolean contexts, Python first tries __bool__ to obtain a direct Boolean value; if that method is missing, Python tries __len__ to infer a truth value from the object’s length.

    class Truth:
        def __bool__(self): return True
    X = Truth()
    if X: print('yes!')
    # yes!
    class Truth:
        def __bool__(self): return False
    X = Truth()
    # False
    class Truth:
        def __len__(self): return 0
    X = Truth()
    if not X: print('no!')
    # no!
  • If both methods are present Python prefers __bool__ over __len__, because it is more specific:

    class Truth:
        def __bool__(self): return True # 3.X tries __bool__ first
        def __len__(self): return 0 # 2.X tries __len__ first
    X = Truth()
    if X: print('yes!')
    # yes!
  • If neither truth method is defined, the object is vacuously considered true (though any potential implications for more metaphysically inclined readers are strictly coincidental):

    class Truth:
    X = Truth()
    # True

11.5.10. with/as Context Managers: __enter__ and __exit__

with expression [as variable], [expression [as variable]]:

The with statement can be used with any object that implements the __enter__() and __exit__() special methods that provide hooks for initializing and finalizing resource management. Common resources managed with with include:

  • Files: The with open('filename', 'mode') as file: syntax opens a file, assigns it to a variable (file), and automatically closes the file when the indented block exits, even in case of exceptions.

  • Database Connections: with sqlite3.connect(':memory:') as con: creates a connection, assigns it to a variable, and guarantees closure upon exiting the block.

  • Locks: In multithreaded environments, with can be used with lock objects to acquire a lock at the beginning of the block and release it at the end, ensuring proper synchronization.

    fi = open('test.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
        fi.write('hello world')
    with open('test.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fo:
        txt = fo.read()
    with open('data', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fin, open('res', 'wb') as fout:  # multiple context managers
        for line in fin:
            if 'some key' in line:
class Cat:
    """A custom context manager class that simulates a cat entering and leaving."""

    def __enter__(self):
        Called when entering the `with` block. Prints a message and returns itself.

            The Cat instance (self) to be used within the `with` block.
        print("I'm coming in!")
        return self  # Return self to provide the managed object to the `with` block

    def __exit__(self, exc_type: type, exc_value: object, traceback: object) -> bool:
        Called when exiting the `with` block, regardless of exceptions.
        Prints a message, optionally handles exceptions, and returns True to suppress them.

            exc_type (type): The type of exception raised within the `with` block (if any).
            exc_value (object): The actual exception object raised (if any).
            traceback (object): A traceback object containing information about the call stack
                               (if any exception was raised).

            bool: True to suppress any exceptions raised within the `with` block,
                  False to re-raise them. (Can be modified for specific exception handling)
        print("I'm going out.")
        # Suppress potential exceptions (modify for specific handling)
        return True

    def wow(self) -> None:
        Method to simulate a cat's meow. Prints "meow!".


with Cat() as cat:  # type: Cat
    """Enters the context manager and assigns the Cat object to 'cat'."""
    cat.wow()  # Calls the cat's meow method within the context

# I'm coming in!
# meow!
# I'm going out.

12. Exceptions

  • An exception is a class, which is a child of the class Exception.

    class OopsException(Exception): pass  # user-defined exception
  • The raise statement raises (triggers) a built-in or user-defined exception.

    raise instance  # raise instance of class
    raise clazz     # make and raise instance of class: makes an instance with no constructor arguments
    raise           # reraise the most recent exception
        1 / 0
    except Exception as E:
        raise TypeError('Bad') from E  # raise newexception from otherexception
    # Traceback (most recent call last):
    # ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
    # The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
    # Traceback (most recent call last):
    # TypeError: Bad
  • The assert statement raises an AssertionError exception if a condition is false.

    # assert test, data # the data part is optional
    assert False, 'Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!'  # AssertionError: Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
  • The try statement catches and recovers from exceptions with one or more handlers for exceptions that may be raised during the block’s execution.

    # try -> except -> else -> finally
        raise OopsException('panic')  # raising exceptions
    except OopsException as err:  # 3.X localizes 'as' names to except block
        print(err)  # catch and recover from exceptions
    except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError) as err:  # multiple exceptions as a parenthesized tuple
    except Exception as other:  # except to catch all exceptions
    except:  # bare except to catch all exceptions
        ... # run if no exception was raised during try block
    finally:  # termination actions
  • The with/as statement is designed to automate startup and termination activities that must occur around a block of code.

    # try:
    #     file = open('lumberjack.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
    #     file.write('The larch!\n')
    # finally:
    #     if file: file.close()
    with open('lumberjack.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:  # always close file on exit
        file.write('The larch!\n')

13. Decorators

A decorator is a callable that returns a callable to specify management or augmentation code for functions and classes.

  • Function decorators, do name rebinding at function definition time, install wrapper objects to intercept later function calls and process them as needed, usually passing the call on to the original function to run the managed action.

    def decorator(F):
        # Process function F
        return F
    @decorator       # Decorate function
    def func(): ...  # func = decorator(func)
    def decorator(F):
        # Save or use function F
        # Return a different callable, a proxy: nested def, class with __call__, etc.
    def func(): ...  # func = decorator(func)
    def decorator(F):                 # On @ decoration
        def wrapper(*args, **kargs):  # On wrapped function call that retains the original function in an enclosing scope
            # Use F, args, and  kargs
            # F(*args, **kargs) calls original function
        return wrapper
    @decorator                         # func = decorator(func)
    def func(x, y, z=122):             # func is passed to decorator's F
    func(6, 7, 8)                      # 6, 7, 8 are passed to wrapper's *args, **kargs
    class decorator:
        def __init__(self, func):  # On @ decoration
            self.func = func
        def __call__(self, *args):  # On wrapped function call by overloading the call operation
            # Use self.func and args
            # self.func(*args) calls original function
    def func(x, y):                 # func = decorator(func)
        ...                         # func is passed to __init__
    func(6, 7)                      # 6, 7 are passed to __call__'s *args
    def decorator(A, B):
        # Save or use A, B
        def actualDecorator(F):
            # Save or use function F
            # Return a callable: nested def, class with __call__, etc.
            return callable
        return actualDecorator
    @decorator(A, B)
    def F(arg):  # F = decorator(A, B)(F) # Rebind F to result of decorator's return value
  • Class decorators, do name rebinding at class definition time, install wrapper objects to intercept later instance creation calls and process them as needed, usually passing the call on to the original class to create a managed instance.

    def decorator(C):
        # Process class C
        return C
    @decorator  # Decorate class
    class C:
        ...     # C = decorator(C)
    def decorator(C):
        # Save or use class C
        # Return a different callable, a proxy: nested def, class with __call__, etc.
    class C:
        ...  # C = decorator(C)
    def decorator(cls):                             # On @ decoration
        class Wrapper:
            def __init__(self, *args):              # On instance creation
                self.wrapped = cls(*args)
            def __getattr__(self, name):            # On attribute fetch
                return getattr(self.wrapped, name)
        return Wrapper
    class C:                        # C = decorator(C)
        def __init__(self, x, y):   # Run by Wrapper.__init__
            self.attr = 'spam'
    x = C(6, 7)                     # Really calls Wrapper(6, 7)
    print(x.attr)                   # Runs Wrapper.__getattr__, prints "spam"

14. Modules and packages

# A module is a single Python file (.py extension) containing Python code,
# that can include functions, classes, variables, and statements.

# animal.py (module file)
class Animal:
    def __init__(self, voice: str) -> None:
        self.__voice = voice

    def wow(self):
# A package is a directory containing multiple Python modules and potentially
# subdirectories with even more modules, that represents a collection of related
# modules organized under a common namespace.
# A package import turns a directory into another Python namespace, with attributes
# corresponding to the subdirectories and module files that the directory contains.

# .
# ├── animals
# │   ├── cat.py
# │   ├── dog.py
# │   └── __init__.py
# └── main.py

# animals/cat.py
def wow():

# animals/dog.py
def wow():

# main.py
from animals import cat  # from package import module
import animals.dog as dog  # import package.module

cat.wow()  # meow!
dog.wow()  # bark!

14.1. search path

In the context of programming languages and environments, the search path refers to a list of directories that the program or interpreter looks at to locate specific files, particularly modules or libraries, that is composed of the concatenation of the four major components, that ultimately becomes sys.path, a mutable list of directory name strings:

  1. Home directory (automatic)

    • When running a program, this entry is the directory containing the program’s top-level script file.

    • When working interactively, this entry is the directory in the working (i.e., the current working directory).

  2. PYTHONPATH directories (if set)

    • In brief, PYTHONPATH is simply a list of user-defined and platform-specific names of directories that contain Python code files.

    • The os.pathsep constant in Python provides the provide platform-specific directory path separator on the module search path.

      • Windows: C:\Python310;C:\Users\YourName\Documents\my_modules

        import os, platform
        platform.system(), os.pathsep  # ('Windows', ';')
      • Linux/macOS: /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages:/home/yourname/my_modules

        import os, platform
        platform.system(), os.pathsep  # ('Linux', ':')
  3. Standard library directories

  4. The contents of any .pth files (if present)

  5. The site-packages directory of third-party extensions (automatic)

import sys
for path in sys.path:

''  # current working directory where the script is located
'/usr/lib/python311.zip'  # standard library, built-in modules
'/usr/lib/python3.11/lib-dynload'  # dynamically loaded modules or libraries
'/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages'  # third-party libraries

# sys.path is a list, and can be updated programmlly
# ['', '/usr/lib/python311.zip', '/usr/lib/python3.11', '/usr/lib/python3.11/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages']
sys.path.insert(0, '/tmp')
# ['/tmp', '', '/usr/lib/python311.zip', '/usr/lib/python3.11', '/usr/lib/python3.11/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages']

14.2. __init__.py

# dir0\ # Container on module search path
#     dir1\
#         __init__.py
#         dir2\
#             __init__.py
#             mod.py

import dir1.dir2.mod
  • dir1 and dir2 both must contain an __init__.py file at least until Python 3.3.

  • dir0, the container, does not require an __init__.py file; this file will simply be ignored if present.

  • dir0, not dir0\dir1, must be listed on the module search path sys.path.

The __init__.py file serves as a hook for package initialization-time actions, declares a directory as a package, generates a module namespace for a directory, and implements the behavior of from * (i.e., from .. import *) statements when used with directory imports:

  • Package initialization: The first time a Python program imports through a directory, it automatically runs all the code in the directory’s __init__.py file which a natural place to put code to initialize the state required by files in a package.

  • Module usability declarations: Package __init__.py files are also partly present to declare that a directory is a regular module package.

  • Module namespace initialization: In the package import model, the directory paths in a script become real nested object paths after an import.

  • from * statement behavior: As an advanced feature, the __all__ lists in __init__.py files can define what is exported when a directory is imported with the from * statement form.

14.3. import and from statements, reload call

  • import fetches the module as a whole, and must qualify to fetch its names.

    import module_name
  • from fetches (or copies) specific names out of the module over to another scope, and when using a * (used only at the top level of a module file, not within a function) instead of specific names, it copies of all names assigned at the top level of the referenced module.

    # import specific functions or classes from a module.
    from module_name import element1, element2
    # import a specific element and assign it an alias for easier use.
    from module_name import element1 as alias
    # copy out _all_ variables
    from module_name import *
  • Like def, import and from are executable statements, not compile-time declarations, and they are implicit assignments:

    • import assigns an entire module object to a single name.

    • from assigns one or more names to objects of the same names in another module.

  • Modules are loaded and run on the first import or from, and only the first.

  • Unlike import and from:

    • reload is a function in Python, not a statement.

    • reload is passed an existing module object, not a new name.

    • reload lives in a module in Python 3.X and must be imported itself.

    # import module                 # initial import
    # ...use module.attributes...
    # ...                           # now, go change the module file
    # ...
    # from importlib import reload  # get reload itself (in 3.x)
    # reload(module)                # get updated exports
    # ...use module.attributes...
  • A namespace package is not fundamentally different from a regular package (must have an __init__.py file that is run automatically); it is just a different way of creating packages which are still relative to sys.path at the top level: the leftmost component of a dotted namespace package path must still be located in an entry on the normal module search path.

    import dir1.dir2.mod
    from dir1.dir2.mod import x
    import splitdir.mod
    mkdir -p /code/ns/dir{1,2}/sub  # two dirs of same name in different dirs
    # module files in different directories
    # /code/ns/dir1/sub/mod1.py
    # /code/ns/dir2/sub/mod2.py
    PYTHONPATH=/code/ns/dir1:/code/ns/dir2 python -q
    import sub
    sub  # namespace packages: nested search paths
    # <module 'sub' (<_frozen_importlib_external.NamespaceLoader object at 0x7fd1eeda5c50>)>
    # _NamespacePath(['/code/ns/dir1/sub', '/code/ns/dir2/sub'])
    from sub import mod1
    # dir1\sub\mod1
    import sub.mod2  # content from two different directories
    # dir2\sub\mod2
    # <module 'sub.mod1' from '/code/ns/dir1/sub/mod1.py'>
    # <module 'sub.mod2' from '/code/ns/dir2/sub/mod2.py'>

14.4. relative imports

  • The from statement can use leading dots (.) to specify that it require modules located within the same package (known as package relative imports), instead of modules located elsewhere on the module import search path (called absolute imports).

    from . import string # relative to this package, imports mypkg.string
    from .string import name1, name2 # imports names from mypkg.string
    from .. import string # imports string sibling of mypkg
    ├── main.py
    └── spam
        ├── eggs.py
        ├── ham.py
        └── __init__.py
    # spam/ham.py
    from . import eggs
    # main.py
    from spam import ham
    $ python3 main.py

    Running main.py directly sets the module’s __name__ attribute to "__main__", causing issues with relative imports which rely on it being set to the package name.

    # mypkg\
    #     main.py
    #     string.py
    # string.py
    def some_function(): ...
    # main.py
    from .string import some_function
    $ python3 main.py
    Traceback (most recent call last):
        from .string import some_function
    ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package

14.5. _X, __all__, __name__, and __main__

  • Python looks for an __all__ list in the module first and copies its names irrespective of any underscores; if __all__ is not defined, from * copies all names without a single leading underscore (_X):

    # unders.py
    a, _b, c, _d = 1, 2, 3, 4
    from unders import * # Load non _X names only
    a, c  # (1, 3)
    _b  # NameError: name '_b' is not defined
    import unders # But other importers get every name
    unders._b  # 2
    # alls.py
    __all__ = ['a', '_c'] # __all__ has precedence over _X
    a, b, _c, _d = 1, 2, 3, 4
    from alls import *  # load __all__ names only
    a, _c  # (1, 3)
    b  # NameError: name 'b' is not defined
    from alls import a, b, _c, _d  # but other importers get every name
    a, b, _c, _d  # (1, 2, 3, 4)
    import alls
    alls.a, alls.b, alls._c, alls._d  # (1, 2, 3, 4)
  • If a module’s __name__ variable is the string "__main__", it means that the file is being executed as a top-level script as a program instead of being imported from another file as a library in the program.

    # cat.py
    def wow():
        return __name__
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        print(f'executed: {wow()}')
    $ python3 cat.py  # directly executed (as a script)
    executed: __main__
    # imported by another module
    from cat import wow
    print(f'imported: {wow()}')  # imported: cat

14.6. modules by name strings

  • To import the referenced module given its string name, build and run an import statement with exec, or pass the string name in a call to the __import__ or importlib.import_module.

    # The `import` statements can’t directly to load a module given its name as a
    # string—Python expects a variable name that’s taken literally and not evalu-
    # ated, not a string or expression.
    import 'string'
    #   File "<stdin>", line 1
    #     import 'string'
    #            ^^^^^^^^
    # SyntaxError: invalid syntax
    # The most general approach is to construct an `import` statement as a string of Python
    # code and pass it to the `exec` built-in function to run, but it must compile the `import`
    # statement each time it runs, and compiling can be slow.
    modname = 'string'
    exec('import ' + modname) # Run a string of code
    # <module 'string' from '/usr/lib/python3.11/string.py'>
    # In most cases it’s probably simpler and may run quicker to use the built-in `__import__`
    # function to load from a name string instead, which returns the module object, so assign it
    # to a name here to keep it.
    modname = 'string'
    string = __import__(modname)
    # <module 'string' from '/usr/lib/python3.11/string.py'>
    # The newer call `importlib.import_module` does the same work as the built-in `__import__`
    # function, and is generally preferred in more recent Pythons for direct calls to import
    # by name string.
    import importlib
    modname = 'string'
    string = importlib.import_module(modname)

14.7. pip: pip install packages

# ensure can run pip from the command line
python3 -m pip --version  # pip --version
# pip 23.0.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.11)

# OR, install pip, venv modules in Debian/Ubuntu for the system python.
apt install python3-pip python3-venv  # On Debian/Ubuntu systems

14.7.1. virtual environment

# create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv python-learning-notes_env

# active a virtual environment
source python-learning-notes_env/bin/activate

# ensure pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

# show pip version
pip --version  # python3 -m pip --version
# pip 24.0 from .../python-learning-notes_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip (python 3.11)

# deactive a virtual environment: the deactivate command is often implemented as a shell function.

14.7.2. Version specifiers

A version specifier consists of a series of version clauses, separated by commas. For example:

~= 0.9, >= 1.0, != 1.3.4.*, < 2.0

The comparison operator determines the kind of version clause:


  • ~=3.1: version 3.1 or later, but not version 4.0 or later.

  • ~=3.1.2: version 3.1.2 or later, but not version 3.2.0 or later.

  • ~=3.1a1: version 3.1a1 or later, but not version 4.0 or later.

  • == 3.1: specifically version 3.1 (or 3.1.0), excludes all pre-releases, post releases, developmental releases and any 3.1.x maintenance releases.

  • == 3.1.*: any version that starts with 3.1. Equivalent to the ~=3.1.0 compatible release clause.

  • ~=3.1.0, != 3.1.3: version 3.1.0 or later, but not version 3.1.3 and not version 3.2.0 or later.

14.7.3. pip install

# install the latest stable version.
pip install <package_name>

# install a package with extras, i.e., optional dependencies (e.g., pip install 'transformers[torch]').
pip install <package_name>[extra1[,extra2,...]]

# install the exact version (e.g., pip install vllm==0.4.3).
pip install <package_name>==<version>

# install the latest version greater than or equal to the specified one (e.g., pip install vllm>=0.4.0 gets anything from 0.4.0 onwards), but within the same major version.
pip install <package_name>>=<version>

# install the latest patch version (tilde operator) within the specified major and minor version (e.g., pip install vllm~=0.4).
pip install <package_name>~=<version>

# upgrade an already installed to the latest from PyPI.
pip install --upgrade <package_name>

# install from an alternate index
pip install --index-url http://my.package.repo/simple/ <package_name>

# search an additional index during install, in addition to PyPI
pip install --extra-index-url http://my.package.repo/simple <package_name>

# install pre-release and development versions, in addition to stable versions
pip install --pre <package_name>

14.7.4. cache, configuration

# get the cache directory that pip is currently configured to use
pip cache dir  # ~/.cache/pip
# Configuration files can change the default values for command line options, and pip has 3 levels:
#   - global: system-wide configuration file, shared across users.
#   - user: per-user configuration file.
#   - site: per-environment configuration file; i.e. per-virtualenv.

# the names of the settings are derived from the long command line option.
timeout = 60
index-url = https://download.zope.org/ppix

# per-command section: pip install
ignore-installed = true
no-dependencies = yes
# finding the config directory programmatically:
Debian GNU/Linux$ pip config list -v
For variant 'global', will try loading '/etc/xdg/pip/pip.conf'
For variant 'global', will try loading '/etc/pip.conf'
For variant 'user', will try loading '~/.pip/pip.conf'
For variant 'user', will try loading '~/.config/pip/pip.conf'
For variant 'site', will try loading '$VIRTUAL_ENV/pip.conf' or '/usr/pip.conf'

Microsoft Windows 11 > pip config list -v
For variant 'global', will try loading '%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\pip\pip.ini'
For variant 'user', will try loading '%USERPROFILE%\pip\pip.ini'
For variant 'user', will try loading '%APPDATA%\pip\pip.ini'
For variant 'site', will try loading '%VIRTUAL_ENV%\pip.ini' or '%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Python\Python312\pip.ini'

14.7.5. mirror

# default: https://pypi.org/simple

# set the PyPI mirror
pip config --user set global.index-url https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
# pip config --user set global.index-url https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/
# pip config set global.extra-index-url "https://mirrors.sustech.edu.cn/pypi/web/simple https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/"

14.7.6. pipenv

Pipenv is a dependency manager for Python projects, is similar in spirit to Node.js’ npm or Ruby’s bundler.

# install pipenv in Debian/Ubuntu for the system python.
apt install pipenv
# install pipenv for the user python.
pip install pipenv --user

# If pipenv isn’t available in a shell after installation, add the user site-packages binary directory to `PATH`.
# On Windows, the user base binary directory can be found by running
# `python -m site --user-site`
# and replacing `site-packages` with `Scripts`.
# On Linux and macOS, find the user base binary directory by running
# `python -m site --user-base`
# and appending `bin` to the end.

Debian/Linux might not work due to limitations with user-based installations.

  1. Using apt

    apt install pipenv
  2. Using pip with virtualenv

    # Create a virtual environment
    python3 -m venv pipenv_env
    # Activate the virtual environment (replace "pipenv_env" with your chosen name)
    source pipenv_env/bin/activate
    # Install pipenv within the virtual environment
    pip install pipenv
    # Deactivate the virtual environment (optional)
# Pipenv manages dependencies on a per-project basis.
mkdir myproject && cd myproject
pipenv install requests
ls  # Pipfile  Pipfile.lock
# show the location of the virtual environment
pipenv run python -c "import os; print(os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'])"
# activate the project's virtualenv:
pipenv shell
# main.py
import requests

response = requests.get('https://httpbin.org/ip')

print('Your IP is {0}'.format(response.json()['origin']))
# run a command inside the virtualenv:
pipenv run python main.py
# Your IP is
pipenv check         # Checks for PyUp Safety security vulnerabilities and against
                     # PEP 508 markers provided in Pipfile.
pipenv clean         # Uninstalls all packages not specified in Pipfile.lock.
pipenv graph         # Displays currently-installed dependency graph information.
pipenv install       # Installs provided packages and adds them to Pipfile, or (if no
                     # packages are given), installs all packages from Pipfile.
pipenv lock          # Generates Pipfile.lock.
pipenv open          # View a given module in your editor.
pipenv requirements  # Generate a requirements.txt from Pipfile.lock.
pipenv run           # Spawns a command installed into the virtualenv.
pipenv scripts       # Lists scripts in current environment config.
pipenv shell         # Spawns a shell within the virtualenv.
pipenv sync          # Installs all packages specified in Pipfile.lock.
pipenv uninstall     # Uninstalls a provided package and removes it from Pipfile.
pipenv update        # Runs lock, then sync.
pipenv upgrade       # Resolves provided packages and adds them to Pipfile, or (if no
                     # packages are given), merges results to Pipfile.lock
pipenv verify        # Verify the hash in Pipfile.lock is up-to-date.

15. Testing

  • unittest

    # **Key Points About `unittest` in Python:**
    # * **Test Cases:** Individual units of testing that verify specific functionality.
    # * **Test Suites:** Collections of test cases that can be run together.
    # * **Assertions:** Methods used to check if expected results match actual results.
    # * **Test Case Structure:** Arrange-Act-Assert (AAA) is a common structure.
    # * **Test Fixtures:** `setUp()` and `tearDown()` methods for setup and cleanup.
    # * **Running Tests:** `unittest.main()` is the primary way to run tests.
    # * **Best Practices:** Write clear, concise, and well-organized tests.
    # * **Naming Conventions:** Test case functions must be prefixed with `test_`.
    # **Common Assertions:**
    # * `assertEqual(a, b)`: Checks if `a` equals `b`.
    # * `assertNotEqual(a, b)`: Checks if `a` does not equal `b`.
    # * `assertTrue(condition)`: Checks if `condition` is `True`.
    # * `assertFalse(condition)`: Checks if `condition` is `False`.
    # * `assertIn(item, container)`: Checks if `item` is in `container`.
    # * `assertNotIn(item, container)`: Checks if `item` is not in `container`.
    # test_cap.py
    import unittest
    def cap(text: str) -> str:
        return text.capitalize()
    class TestCap(unittest.TestCase):
        def setUp(self) -> None:
        def tearDown(self) -> None:
        def test_one_word(self):
            text = 'duck'  # _arrange_ the objects, create and set them up as necessary.
            result = cap(text)  # _act_ on an object.
            self.assertEqual('Duck', result)  # _assert_ that something is as expected.
        def test_multi_words(self):
            text = 'hello world'  # _arrange_ the objects, create and set them up as necessary.
            result = cap(text)  # _act_ on an object.
            self.assertEqual('Hello World', result)  # _assert_ that something is as expected.
        def test_table_driven(self):
            # _arrange_ the objects, create and set them up as necessary.
            tests = [
                ('duck', 'Duck'),
                ('hello world', 'Hello World')
            for text, expected in tests:
                result = cap(text)  # _act_ on an object.
                self.assertEqual(result, expected)  # _assert_ that something is as expected.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    $ python3 test_cap.py
    FAIL: test_multi_words (__main__.TestCap.test_multi_words)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "...", line 27, in test_multi_words
        self.assertEqual('Hello World', result)
    AssertionError: 'Hello World' != 'Hello world!'
    - Hello World
    ?       ^
    + Hello world
    ?       ^
    Ran 2 tests in 0.003s
    FAILED (failures=1)
  • doctest

    # doctest_cap.py
    def cap(text: str) -> str:
        >>> cap('duck')
        >>> cap('hello world')
        'Hello World'
        return text.capitalize()
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import doctest
    $ python3 doctest_cap.py
    File "...", line 5, in __main__.cap
    Failed example:
        cap('hello world')
        'Hello World'
        'Hello world'
    1 items had failures:
       1 of   2 in __main__.cap
    ***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
  • pytest

    # test_cap.py
    def cap(text: str) -> str:
        return text.capitalize()
    def test_one_word():
        text = 'duck'
        result = cap(text)
        assert result == 'Duck'
    def test_multiple_words():
        text = 'hello world'
        result = cap(text)
        assert result == 'Hello World'
    $ pipenv install pytest
    Installing pytest...
    Installing dependencies from Pipfile.lock (207fdb)...
    $ pytest
    ============================================== test session starts ==============================================
    platform linux -- Python 3.11.2, pytest-8.2.1, pluggy-1.5.0
    rootdir: ...
    collected 2 items
    test_cap.py .F                                                                                            [100%]
    =================================================== FAILURES ====================================================
    ______________________________________________ test_multiple_words ______________________________________________
        def test_multiple_words():
            text = 'hello world'
            result = cap(text)
    >       assert result == 'Hello World'
    E       AssertionError: assert 'Hello world' == 'Hello World'
    E         - Hello World
    E         ?       ^
    E         + Hello world
    E         ?       ^
    test_cap.py:12: AssertionError
    ============================================ short test summary info ============================================
    FAILED test_cap.py::test_multiple_words - AssertionError: assert 'Hello world' == 'Hello World'
    ========================================== 1 failed, 1 passed in 0.09s ==========================================

16. Processes and concurrency

# The standard library’s os module provides a common way of accessing some system information.
import os
# posix.uname_result(sysname='Linux', nodename='node-0', release='6.1.0-21-amd64', version='#1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.1.90-1 (2024-05-03)', machine='x86_64')
# (0.05126953125, 0.03955078125, 0.00341796875)
# 4
(os.getpid(), os.getcwd(), os.getuid(), os.getgid())
# (1295, '/tmp', 1000, 1000)
os.system('date -u')
# Thu Jun  6 11:23:23 AM UTC 2024
# 0
# get system and process information with the third-party package psutil
import psutil  # pip install psutil
# [scputimes(user=4.37, nice=0.0, system=6.71, idle=1468.69, iowait=0.26, irq=0.0, softirq=1.86, steal=0.0, guest=0.0, guest_nice=0.0), scputimes(user=11.84, nice=0.0, system=9.3, idle=1465.29, iowait=1.02, irq=0.0, softirq=0.75, steal=0.0, guest=0.0, guest_nice=0.0), scputimes(user=10.31, nice=0.0, system=8.58, idle=1468.4, iowait=1.66, irq=0.0, softirq=0.97, steal=0.0, guest=0.0, guest_nice=0.0), scputimes(user=9.11, nice=0.0, system=10.02, idle=1467.95, iowait=0.81, irq=0.0, softirq=0.65, steal=0.0, guest=0.0, guest_nice=0.0)]
# 0.0
# [0.3, 0.4, 0.4, 0.1]

16.1. subprocess and multiprocessing

import subprocess

# run another program in a shell
# and grab whatever output it created (both standard output and standard error output)
print(subprocess.getoutput('date'))  # Thu Jun  6 07:19:50 PM CST 2024

# A variant method called `check_output()` takes a list of the command and arguments.
# By default it returns standard output only as type bytes rather than a string, and
# does not use the shell:
print(subprocess.check_output(['date', '-u']))  # b'Thu Jun  6 11:30:09 AM UTC 2024\n'

# return a tuple with the status code and output of the other program
print(subprocess.getstatusoutput('date'))  # (0, 'Thu Jun  6 07:32:25 PM CST 2024')

# capture the exit status only
ret = subprocess.call('date -u', shell=True)
# Thu Jun  6 11:45:51 AM UTC 2024
# 0

# makes a list of the arguments, not need to call the shell
ret = subprocess.call(['date', '-u'])
# Thu Jun  6 11:50:04 AM UTC 2024
# 0
# create multiple independent processes
import multiprocessing
import os

def whoami(what):
    print("Process %s says: %s" % (os.getpid(), what))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    whoami("I'm the main program")
    for n in range(4):
        p = multiprocessing.Process(
            target=whoami, args=("I'm function %s" % n,))

# Process 1648 says: I'm the main program
# Process 1649 says: I'm function 0
# Process 1650 says: I'm function 1
# Process 1651 says: I'm function 2
# Process 1652 says: I'm function 3
# kill a process with terminate()
import multiprocessing
import time
import os

def whoami(name):
    print("I'm %s, in process %s" % (name, os.getpid()))

def loopy(name):
    start = 1
    stop = 1000000
    for num in range(start, stop):
        print("\tNumber %s of %s. Honk!" % (num, stop))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    p = multiprocessing.Process(target=loopy, args=("loopy",))

# I'm main, in process 13084
# I'm loopy, in process 14664
#         Number 1 of 1000000. Honk!
#         Number 2 of 1000000. Honk!
#         Number 3 of 1000000. Honk!
#         Number 4 of 1000000. Honk!
#         Number 5 of 1000000. Honk!

16.2. Queues, processes, and threads

A queue is like a list: things are added at one end and taken away from the other, which most common is referred to as FIFO (first in, first out). In general, queues transport messages, which can be any kind of information, for distributed task management, also known as work queues, job queues, or task queues.

Threads can be dangerous. Like manual memory management in languages such as C and C++, they can cause bugs that are extremely hard to find, let alone fix. To use threads, all the code in the program (and in external libraries that it uses) must be thread safe.

In Python, threads do not speed up CPU-bound tasks because of an implementation detail in the standard Python system called the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL).

  • Use threads for I/O-bound problems

  • Use processes, networking, or events (discussed in the next section) for CPU-bound problems

import multiprocessing as mp

def washer(dishes, output):
    for dish in dishes:
        print('Washing', dish, 'dish')

def dryer(input):
    while True:
        dish = input.get()
        print('Drying', dish, 'dish')

dish_queue = mp.JoinableQueue()
dryer_proc = mp.Process(target=dryer, args=(dish_queue,))
dryer_proc.daemon = True
dishes = ['salad', 'bread', 'entree', 'dessert']
washer(dishes, dish_queue)

# Washing salad dish
# Washing bread dish
# Washing entree dish
# Washing dessert dish
# Drying salad dish
# Drying bread dish
# Drying entree dish
# Drying dessert dish
import threading
import queue
import time

def washer(dishes, dish_queue):
    for dish in dishes:
        print("Washing", dish)

def dryer(dish_queue):
    while True:
        dish = dish_queue.get()
        print("Drying", dish)

dish_queue = queue.Queue()
for n in range(2):
    dryer_thread = threading.Thread(target=dryer, args=(dish_queue,))
dishes = ['salad', 'bread', 'entree', 'dessert']
washer(dishes, dish_queue)

# Washing salad
# Washing bread
# Drying salad
# Washing entree
# Drying bread
# Washing dessert
# Drying entree
# Drying dessert

16.3. concurrent.futures

The concurrent.futures module in the standard library can be used to schedule an asynchronous pool of workers, using threads (when I/O-bound) or processes (when CPU-bound), and get back a future to track their state and collect the results.

Use concurrent.futures any time to launch a bunch of concurrent tasks, such as the following:

  • Crawling URLs on the web

  • Processing files, such as resizing images

  • Calling service APIs

from concurrent import futures
import math
import sys

def calc(val):
    result = math.sqrt(float(val))
    return val, result

def use_threads(num, values):
    with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(num) as tex:
        tasks = [tex.submit(calc, value) for value in values]
        for f in futures.as_completed(tasks):
            yield f.result()

def use_processes(num, values):
    with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(num) as pex:
        tasks = [pex.submit(calc, value) for value in values]
        for f in futures.as_completed(tasks):
            yield f.result()

def main(workers, values):
    print(f"Using {workers} workers for {len(values)} values")
    print("Using threads:")
    for val, result in use_threads(workers, values):
        print(f'{val} {result:.4f}')
    print("Using processes:")
    for val, result in use_processes(workers, values):
        print(f'{val} {result:.4f}')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    workers = 3
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        workers = int(sys.argv[1])
        values = list(range(1, 6))  # 1 .. 5
    main(workers, values)

16.4. Asynchronous programming with async and await

In Python 3.4, Python added a standard asynchronous module called asyncio. Python 3.5 then added the keywords async and await. These implement some new concepts:

  • Coroutines are functions that pause at various points

  • An event loop that schedules and runs coroutines

import asyncio

async def say(phrase, seconds):
    await asyncio.sleep(seconds)

async def wicked():
    task_1 = asyncio.create_task(say("Surrender,", 2))
    task_2 = asyncio.create_task(say("Dorothy!", 0))
    await task_1
    await task_2

#  blocking: runs the passed coroutine in the default executor, which given a timeout duration of 5 minutes to shutdown
import asyncio

async def say(phrase, seconds):
    await asyncio.sleep(seconds)

async def wicked():
    task_1 = asyncio.create_task(say("Surrender,", 2))
    task_2 = asyncio.create_task(say("Dorothy!", 0))
    await asyncio.gather(task_1, task_2)  # Wait for all tasks to finish concurrently

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

17. SQL

DB-API (Database API), similar to JDBC in Java, is a standardized interface for Python that allows us to interact with various relational databases using a consistent set of functions and methods, which can simplify database access by providing a common ground for working with different database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and SQLite.

  • DB-API focuses on fundamental database operations like connecting, executing SQL queries, fetching results, and committing/rolling back transactions.

  • Different database modules (e.g., MySQLdb, psycopg2, sqlite3) implement the DB-API standard, ensuring consistency in these core functionalities across various systems.

  • DB-API promotes parameterization of SQL queries using placeholders (%s, ?, etc.) for values, which enhances security by preventing SQL injection vulnerabilities and improves portability by separating data from the query itself.

17.1. Using DB-API with SQLite in Memory

import sqlite3

# Connect to an in-memory database (no file needed)
with sqlite3.connect(":memory:") as connection:

    # Create a cursor object
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    # Create a table (assuming you don't have one)
  username TEXT NOT NULL,

    # Insert some data using parameterization
    users = [("Alice", "alice@example.com"), ("Bob", "bob@example.com")]
        "INSERT INTO users (username, email) VALUES (?, ?)", users)

    # Commit the changes

    # Query the data
    cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users")

    # Fetch all results
    results = cursor.fetchall()

    # Print the results
    for row in results:
        print(f"ID: {row[0]}, Username: {row[1]}, Email: {row[2]}")

Appendix A: Install Python from Source Code on Linux

  1. Download Python Source Releases

    # replace the Python version (e.g. 3.13.0) as need
    curl -LO https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.13.0/Python-3.13.0.tar.xz
  2. Extract the XZ compressed source tarball

    tar xvf Python-3.13.0.tar.xz
  3. Configure, make and install the Python

    cd Python-3.13.0 && ./configure && sudo make install

    By default, make install will install all the files in /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib etc. You can specify an installation prefix other than /usr/local using --prefix on ./configure, for instance --prefix=$HOME.

    $ ls /usr/local/lib/
    libpython3.12.a  libpython3.13.a  pkgconfig  python3.11  python3.12  python3.13
    $ ls /usr/local/bin/
    2to3  2to3-3.12  idle3  idle3.12  idle3.13  pip3  pip3.12  pip3.13  pydoc3  pydoc3.12  pydoc3.13  python3  python3.12  python3.12-config  python3.13  python3.13-config  python3-config
  4. Check the Python version

    $ python3 --version
    Python 3.13.0
